The Gang Leader

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I know in Mexico people speak Spanish but to help English speakers I'm going to have them speak English


Chapter 2:

Once we stepped out of the airport I could instantly feel the dryness of the air.The sun was beating down on us as we hailed a cab.By the time a cab saw us I was almost drenched in sweat.

"Mom how hot is it,?" I ask my mom who is standing next to me. " they say it's almost 100 degrees out," she answers. I nod. Wow! We get in the taxi and buckle up our seat belts.

The taxi ride wasn't long. the taxi driver follows my dad's instructions and stops out side of a red house with white aunts aunt lives in the poor parts of Matamoros Mexico.We all step out of the taxi and look around. I see dirt roads, apartment buildings,and small dirty houses. All I know what to say is that it's different from where I live.My family is middle class but obviously not here.

I pick my bags and follow my mom to the front door.There my mom knocks on the door. My aunt answers."ah! My family here!," she says in a thick spanish accent. " Hi," I wave as Carla and I slip pass all three of them. I walk to the room I usually stay in and make sure Carla is following me. We enter a big room with sky blue walls. Two beds are pushed against the back wall, with the only window in between the two beds. The windows here are different from the ones at my house.These have rusty metal bars going from the top of the window to the bottom of it. It's safe to say Carla is a .... bit surprised at how the room looks like. "so..... what do you think of the room,?" I ask Carla.

"And you had this all to yourself the past times,?"she asks shocked . I nod in response." oh and I wanna go see my friend Ariel. We talk a lot ," I explain to her. It's not my first time coming to visit my aunt." Sure. Let's unpack first." I nod " you want the closet or the dresser?"i ask. a dresser is shoved next to the bed on the left."dresser. so I'll take the bed on the left." "ok."

After we unpack I tell my parents we're going to see Ariel.

Carla and I walk side by side until I stop in front of cream colored house with faded green shutters. I walk to the front door and knock. I wait until it opens. In front of me stands Ariel's mom. "hi. Can I see Ariel?," I ask."Si! Si!,"she says happily. I smile at her as she calls Ariel. Ariel comes to the door and what I see shocks me....


Cliff hanger !!

Til next time

- Lauris

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