Extended Summary

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Richie Tozier called "dibs" on 14 year old Natalia Woods the moment she moved to Derry, Maine in the February of 89.

Natalia is an older, quiet, girl who is the only child in the Woods family. She is guarded just enough to be safe, but has enough freedom so she never feels suffocated. Natalia is extremely close with her parents.

Her family moved to Derry because her father, Samuel Woods, got a job as Derry High School's principle after the former principle quit. He had left a note that read, "Fuck all of you, this place is terrible." Which the women at the front desk read aloud on the morning announcements, not paying attention to what the note had said until the words were already past her lips and into the ears of the children, nesting there for days to come. The students found it hilarious. Until inevitably beeing forgotten due to the busy minds of the teenagers filing with more junk. However, the knowledge of the note is still barried deep in mind cluter. One day they might remember it and laugh. Or, maybe will never be spoken about again, swept aside for the rest of their miserable lives. But who knows? Lets get back on track.

Natalia's mother, Judy Woods, works at the local library. This is where Natalia spends most of her time. She's always had a passion for books. However, that's not the only thing the girl can do.

Natalia is very musically talented. She plays the piano and she can sing. Sounding as if an angel caressed her vocal cords during even the simplest tunes. However, she'd never admit to that, keeping that talent hidden to almost everyone but her parents and her lovely piano instructor:

Sharon Denbrough.

Natalia only ever refers to Sharon Denbrough as Mrs. Denbrough, even after being told she could call her Sharon by the women herself countless times; she believes it to be correct that you always address adults as superiors.

Natalia took up music because of her overwhelming fear of the quiet, she liked how even when she wasn't playing anything or humming/singing a little tune, she always had music playing in her head. It was never quiet after she had started playing. Natalia LOVED it.

Not only is Natalia Woods in love with books and talented with music, she's also an amazing student, especially with math. She even tutors Bill Denbrough, Mrs. Denbrough's son, in math every Tuesday after piano lessons.

Natalia is one hell of a child, she's talented, smart, and overall a good kid. It's quit possible that the only "bad" thing she does is smoke occasionally. She's very respectful of adults and almost everyone of her peers. All but a few. Richie Tozier being one of those few.

Richie is...well...a trashmouth. He talks so pervertedly you'd believe he's MUCH older then 13 going on 14. The way he talks is the equivalent to licking the inside of a toilet bowl, disgusting.

However, Richie can be a sweet heart, especially towards the girl who moved in just across from him in the cold February month of 1989. And oh, how gorgeous did he believe her to be. He thought she was so attractive and, though he'd never say it out loud, he instantly had a giant crush on the older girl. After getting to know her, he believed she was smarter than Einstein and an even better musician then David Bowie. His "secret" crush grew larger and larger over the time of actually knowing her.

How they finally meet "formally" (if you can even call the interaction that), is a story all in its self. Not to mention all of what happened after they met.

So let's hear the story on how the innocent girl and the perverted boy that live across the street from eachother become friends, then enemys, and after that...god knows what.

Oh yeah, did I mention the tall, crazy, and over all terrifying clown trying to kill them?

This is bound to be an interesting journey.




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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