Society says...

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Hermione wakes up every morning, with a routine. Wake up, brush her hair, brush her teeth, get dressed, and make some breakfast.

She never wears makeup, her mother tries to reason with her constantly. "Come on Hermione, just some mascara." says Hermione's mom. "No, I think I look alright the way I am," would reply Hermione.

That is till she starts to think about what other people thought of her. Society isn't a pretty thing, it takes many forms. It would creep up on Hermione when she's getting ready for school.

"Tsk, tsk, I think you could do with a little foundation, maybe some mascara too," would say society as she would star at herself in the mirror. "But I think I look good," would reply Hermione. "Yes, what you think, but what I see is unclear skin," society would whisper in Hermione's ear.

So of course Hermione would listen to society without another thought. The next day society would be in Hermione's ear in math class, "Oh deary, a "A-" I think you can do better stupid little girl." says Society as she looks over her test. Hermione would believe society even though she was good in school.

Society would watch her as she would comb through her ungodly hair. "I believe you would look better as a brunette instead." would say society as it would star at her jet black hair. Hermione would touch her hair and would reply, "but I love my hair the way it is." Society would shake it's head, "No that's what you think." it would say as it walks off.

So the next day she dyed it. When people wouldn't ask why she dyed they only said "Woah, you look way better as a brunette." so they confirmed that society knows best in Hermione's opinion. So she always listened to society, till they went to far.

She started to starve herself. She was unhealthy skinny. People gave her disgusting looks. She would think, aren't you happy, I'm pleasing society. So after every meal, she puked her guts out. To lose weight. She started to lose her color. Society would always give her a happy smile, "Your doing great dear, just a bit more skinny" they would say.

But they never stopped saying this till the day she broke. She was crying in the bathroom, "I need help" she would repeat saying over and over. But it was to late, later that day she went to her room and killed herself leaving a note behind.

Dear parents,
I'm sorry I don't please society.

Society read her note. The next day society knocked on Samantha's door, waiting for their next victim.

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