Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Katniss' Pov

I can't believe that just happened! I mean Soph isn't even Eleven yet! I can tell this is going to get worse with age. I lean on Peeta and say "I'm tired I think I'm going to go to bed!" He smiled and kissed my forehead and said "I'll be up in a minute" I smile and walk upstairs. I turn the water on in the sink and walk into the bedroom to change into a light pink, silk ,strapless short nightgown. I wash my face and brush my teeth then wearily climb into bed. I am almost asleep when I feel a pair of arms slink around my waist pulling me against him. He kisses the side o my head whispering "goodnight." And then I am out. -


*****N E X T M O R N I N G****

I feel Peetas arms are gone from my body. I feel his empty side of the bed to see if it was still warm but as soon as I touch it I feel the coolness of the air. He must have gone to the bakery today....he hasn't been much lately and I know he missed it! I get up and put some suitable clothes on and just stick my hair in a ponytail. I wake the kids up and go downstairs to get their cereal ready. Amber and Hunter are the first to emerge from upstairs since they get ready faster than the girls. Amber is holding a brush for her hair and I quickly French braid it as she begins to eat. "Did you sleep good guys?" Hunter nods and Amber is quick to speak up "uh huh! I had a dream that I was swimming in a big pool with my friends and then I got a unicorn!!" #loveeverafterpov#unforgottenpov I laugh at her cute imagination and am making myself some coffee when I see Rosie....oh no! Peeta and I were supposed to talk to Rosie about the Hunger Games last night but with Luke here I compleltu forgot! Oh dear god please don't let her find out about them today.... I try to look normal "hi sweetheart." I kiss we on the forehead and hand her her favorite cereal. "Do you have everything for school?" She nods taking a big spoonful of Panem Krispies( lol the Capitol isn't going to pay for itself so I figured they needed a bit of advertising!😂 ) Soph finally I comes downstairs and before i can even say good morning she is grabbing a piece of toast and running out the door mumbling "I'm late! I can not be late!" I look out the window to see Her and Luke....oh so that's why she has been walking to school....I get it now! I laugh a little to myself and look at the time to see that school starts in 5 minutes. "Alright everyone in the car! We're going to be late!" I hook Amber and Hunters carseat in really quick then we are off. I speed over to the school making it there in record time. Ha yeah I'm good! I walk Amber and Hunter to their class and am about to leave when I see one of Rosie's teachers running up to me. "Hi Mrs Mellark! How are you doing today?" I smile courtiestly and say "I'm fine Mrs. Peyton how are you?" We make small talk for a few moments before she gets to the point " I was wondering if you and your husband could maybe come and talk to our class about the hunger games! We are going to be learning about them tomorrow so I thought maybe the kids would enjoy it if you came and spoke!" I let out a sigh of relief knowing we can tell Rosie before she finds out about the hunger games in class. "Um I will have to ask Peeta but I will call you before the end of the day" she smiles and we say out goodbyes and I drive over to the bakery...8:00 in the morning and I am already stressed out...

Unforgotten ( Sequel to Love Ever After)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant