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I may not continue my books cuz I have no votes in every single book well, except for Sonadow-Little Merhog cuz I created that book 1 year ago.

I will maybe continue my books if I have 20 votes each!

I'm sorry if I let you guys down but I already made 4 books and so far I only have like no votes each. Well a few.

Sorry guys but I need 20 votes each or even more to continue my story. I'm tired of writing and no one even give me a vote AHEM I mean a few of them do.

Here are the title of my books that I made

"Love At The End Of The World (Sonadow)"

"Amnesia (Sonadow Story)"

"Love Me Back Please (Sonadow One Shot)"

Sonadow- Little Merhog"

Thank u guys for understanding! Bye!

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