Undertaken By Hades

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The rain was pounding on my window. I was looking at the rain falling to Earth quicker then the speed of sound. I turned on my tv to the normal channel I see; Nekatrednu or number 6003. The name sounded wierd and all of that crap. I suddenly saw a crack of lightning, appearing like slashing the stars in half.   

"JONNATHAN! COME DOWN STAIRS NOW!" I heard. I slouched on my chair and got up from the seat I was sitting in. I walked down stairs and saw my mom with my dad, tapping their shoes at the same time. My mom pointed to a chair meaning sit. 

"Jonnathan, what in the world is wrong with you?" my mom yelled.

"Fuck off," I mumbled.

"Exuse me! Shut up and get out of my house! No one is going to talk to me like that!" she said. 

" Fine!" I said grabbing my coat and leaving. I didnt even care. My mom doesnt let me see the channel on the radio because it includes mature stuff. I left running into the forset in the back of my house to not be seen. Suddenly, I was in the middle of no where and I got scared because of an other slash of lightning, again looked like if it slashed the stars in half. All I knew was I was in the Missisipi Forest. Suddenly, I saw fire lighted up and I heard voices. 

"Good ,help. Just what I needed," I said. I got closer to the voices ti'll I got to a tall bush. I saw people in white clothing and had letters on the back. KKK I read. I was scared because I knew who they were; the Ku Klux Klan. I was tan color and they killed and murdered non whites. I quickly backed away but, unfurtunatly, I steped on a twig and made a big crack.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. Now I was doomed. I may have not made too much sound with the stick but, I yelled so I ran through the forest.I heard the KKK chasing me and heard a gun shot. I was dead for sure. Suddenly, I came up to a cave. I hid in it for a while and then, heard nothing but silence. Right now, I would have been with my mom safe in my neighborhood full of police. I sneaked out of the cave stealth mode and kept on running. Then I heard voices again coming from every where. I was surrounded by the KKK. 

" You will die," said one of them. I backed up when I saw him pull up his gun. I closed my eyes, and had tears in my eyes. I was only 13. He nearly pulled the trigger till he heard a noise, a strange noise.They all looked up and saw a white thing falling, right at the place they were standing. It was about 70 feet wide and 80 feet long. I then ran while they were distracted and hid behind a tree far away from the KKK. Then I heard a deafning crash and I covered my ears. I then opened my eyes and could not see because of all of the ash. I saw a big hole in the middle of the forest with no sight of the KKK. All I saw at the bottom of was red devil fire eyes staring right up me, and crawling up to the Earth surface. I was deeply scared and then fainted.

TO BE CONTI NUED... Please like and comment for the next part!!!!



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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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