Chapter 5

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I didn't sleep after my run in with Zancrow, and was now like a walking zombie. I layed on the bed, and turned over for what seemed like the hundredth time. Each time I rolled over I flinched from the pain in my ribs thanks to Zancrow. I could see the sun coming up through the window in our room. I got up, closed the curtains, incase he was still watchin, and got ready for school. I was careful not to wake up Meldi and Millianna until I knew I had to. I was to busy reliving the previous night that I had forgotten to eat breakfast before heading out to the bus stop. 

 "Hey Levy, how's it going." said Lucy catching up with me.

 "I'm fine, just really tired." I replied.

 "I can tell. You have circles under your eyes, you're wearing sweats, and your shoes are tied together."

I groaned, was it really that obvious? I hoped that nobody else would notice something was wrong. We talked about our favorite class, which was English (obviously) during the bus ride to school. When we got off the bus, we automatically started heading towards our lockers to get our books for our first and second class. Whil we were walking, i was looking at Lucy as she was saying something about liking Natsu when I ran into Gajeel. His elbow hit me straight in the ribs. I fell to the ground with a cry of pain and felt my eyes tear up. "Watch it Shorty." He barked, but I could see the slight hint of worry in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I w-wasn't looking where I was g-going." I stammered, hoping that this was all an act.

"Y-you have better not l-let it happen a-again, understand sh-shrimp?" He said making fun of me. "What's wrong, can't find a way to get on my level?" He said making fun of my height. That crossed the line, nobody made fun of my height. I walked up to him, and used the thick book in my hnd to hit him in the head. His head snapped to one side from the force of my hit, and I ran to my first class.

 Sadly, I knew that it was for the best that he didn't like me. I belonged to Zancrow like a slave, and he treated me like one. I shivered at the thought of what he had said last night, "Oh and you'll be seeing a lot more of me." Or something like that. I didn't know what he'd meant and that scared me, I didn't want to have more reaccurenses of last night. "Well students, I'd like to introduce our new student. Everyone meet Zancrow." My teacher said. 

There was no way, I mut have been more tired than I thought. But sure enough, when I looked up to the front of the class I saw menacing red eyes and long blonde hair that stuck out at all angles. I quickly raised my hand, deciding to hide in the bathroom until class was over.

"Yes Levy?" My teacher asked.

"May I use the bathroom please?" I asked, she nodded her head. I got up to leave when I suddenly felt my legs buckle and everything went black. I woke up to find the class standing above me.

"Are you ok? Do you need to go to the nurses office?" My teacher asked with a look of concern on her face. I shook my head no, and said that I was fine.

"Well since your ok, I've decided to have you show our new student around the campus." Said my teacher. I heard at least half the girls in my class sigh. For all I cared they could be the ones to show the monster around school. The bell rng and i got up to show Zancrow around the school. As we walked out the door he jabbed me in the ribs. I gave a cry of pain, he knew that he had given me a bruise there. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him smile.

 "Don't bother showing me around the school, I already know where all my classes are. They're with you." He whispered into my ear. I shuddered at the thought of him in all of my classes. 

"Since we're going to be spending a lot of time together, I figured that we should dtart dating." He said with an evil grin. There was no way that I was going to say yes to that creep. If I said yes, it would only be an abusive relationship. I started to say no, when he said "Well, I'd hate for something to happen to your new friend Lucy. Something like what happedened to your dad." He said with his evil grin getting bigger. I nodded, there really was nothing that I could do.

During lunch, I started walking to the table where everyone was and I was yabked into a small room. I didn't realize what was happening until Zancrow had one hand over my mouth and the other on my ribs. As I started struggleing, he started applying pressure to ,y bruised ribs. I wanted to scream, but even if I did nobody would hear me.

"Stop struggling you stubid brat before Ikill you." He said. I immediatly stopped struggling.

 "Imr going to give you some rules. One, do as I say when I say. Two, don't tell anyone what i have done ot what I will do The puneshment for disobaying is beating." He said. I started having another break down, this time instead of seeing my dad's, murder I saw mine.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's super late, but i've been writing another book for school and I haven't been able to keep up with this one. I love all of you who are reading this. Please vote comment, and follow me. (By the way, pleas comment if you have anything that should  be fixed or added. Thamks alot, love ya bye.)

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