Chapter Seven

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It was almost midnight. The city was quiet, and most of its inhabitants had retreated to their homes for the night. Only the stray dog by the alleyway whimpered, scrounging the rubbish bins for scraps of food before laying down with its mangy tail wrapped around its body. The high street lights tinted the dull walls amber, casting high shadows of the three walking figures.

“In,” They stood at the sidewalk, scaling the white-tiled building that emitted a glow of colorless light from the inside. The floor to ceiling windows were almost unnoticeable, with not a smudge on the ir glass surfaces. The entire Genetic Engineering faculty has a sterile aura to it.

Casper had held the door open for the pair of twins, only entering after they had stepped into the bright building. Even at this hour of the night the faculty was up and running. In fact, various departments of the building conducted various research and projects over twenty four hours a day and seven days a week: There was never rest.

Since Hibiki had pointed out that it would be difficult for him and Kataumi to walk past the general office without being recognized as the wanted being broadcasted on the news not long before, they had resorted to having Konan paralyze the sense of time for everyone but the three of them within a thirty meter radius. Any more at once would have drained the tiny machine of its power.

Once they had gotten past the counter sitting right beyond the entrance, Konan's eyes gleamed blue again. The workers resumed their jobs, a slightly baffled look on their faces. Appearing to be at utter ease, Katumi headed over to the elevator lobby, hitting the 'up' button which would summon a lift. A high ring sounded as doors parted on the elevator, a light above it glowing faintly green. He then pressed the button which would bring them to the tenth floor, which was as far as the lift would go. All three of them stood rigidly until the doors slid back shut. Casper glanced in question at the metal orb, which had rolled onto the top of Katumi's head. What looked like a solar panel had slid onto its surface, angling itself at the light bulb above.

The elevator music started to play, and Hibiki felt the capsule pick up speed before slowing down again as it came to a stop on the third floor. A man in a lab coat entered the elevator, eyeing the trio who had their heads down. As he opened his mouth to speak, Katumi spun around, ramming the heel of his shoe into the man's windpipe before bringing him to the ground by his collar. He choked, sputtering and gasping for air as his body curled.

“It's nothing personal,” Katumi murmured, crouching down and tilting the man's head upwards to level his gaze. “But would you please be kind enough to tell us where the main computer-database-whatsit is located?”

The man reached feebly for the intercom around his waist, but Katumi held the rectangular machine down with his foot.

“I'm not exactly the most patient of people,” he uttered. “But I'd be more than glad to take the time wheedling information off you through painful methods.” The numbers on the elevator had changed from eight to nine; and nine to ten. The man started to answer in defeat.

“Room A901... Please don't

“Thank you. And so does the rest of mankind,” Katumi retorted coldly, giving a final blow to the head before laying the unconscious man to to the floor. The metal doors of the elevator had opened by now, and he removed the pristine coat, throwing it over himself as he folded the cloak and shoved it into a pocket. Feeling another object inside, he pulled it out.

“Act like prisoners, or something.” Katumi strapped on the gas mask, glancing back at Hibiki's mortified expression. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “But here you have it. Area 4, where the 'four' symbolizes death not only in Japanese, but also in Chinese.”

Hibiki winced at the extra bit of knowledge.

My brother's capable of this...?

The three of them headed to the side of the elevator lobby, reading the directory nailed above the lift-pad. Finding the arrow beside a line of text reading 'Office Block A', Katumi walked over to face the metal partition. A number pad protruded from beside it, implying that a code was needed.

“Here we go... Getting close.”

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