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It was the day after mine and Jon's little "rendezvous", and it's all I can think about at this point. His heated touch against my skin, and his hot breath coming out in pants. Those images are a constant onslaught on my brain. And due to all that remembering, an urge for more was growing deep inside. I sighed heavily as I leaned my forehead against the outside of Jon's door.

I really don't understand why I agreed to meet him today. Especially after what we did yesterday. Honestly, I don't even think I could look him in the eye! We did exchange some sweet nothings about our feelings for one another, but that still didn't make us a couple. At least, I don't think it does? Did Jon see it differently? And just as that question popped in my head, the door opened, causing me to stumble forward a bit. PBG stood there in his soccer uniform and looked at me with half shock and half confusion. "Uh, hey __.. Are you here for someth-" Just before he could finish what he was saying, Jon had quite literally shoved him away. His face reminded me of a little child who had just received a brand new toy. "__, what took you so long to get here?" I've been waiting for forever!" He dragged out the forever, which made him even sound like a little child! It was actually somehow alluring, and kinda adorable. I stifle a giggle, "It's only 9am, Jon. You couldn't have been waiting long."

A groan broke our conversation as PBG picked himself off the ground. "Is that why you insisted on waking up at 6am to 'get ready'? And I didn't know you two were dating?" Jon's face heated up. "I did not.." And now that PBG has mentioned it, I do see that Jon is a lot more well kept than usual. That would explain why the room smells more of cologne rather than old Doritos.  "And we aren't dating." My heart completely sank. This was expected, since he never asked me to be his in the first place. But why does it hurt so damn much to hear then? PBG rolled his eyes as if saying "Yea right." and put his hand up in a waving motion as he walked out of the room and down the hall. 

Not it was just Jon and I.. alone.. together. Jon went over and shut the door then turned back towards me. He put a hand behind his head, remnants of blush still glowing on his cheeks. "So uh.. Wanna play some Stomp together?" He flashed a half smile. Clearly showing he was as nervous as I was. I just nodded and went over to plop on the small couch. I grabbed a controller as Jon turned on the Gintendo Oui.


A few hours had passed by, and Jon has seemed to open up a bit more. Especially since he was losing. The anger on his face made me feel exceedingly powerful. "Shit!" Jon called out in agony as he dropped his controller when I gained another win. "Looks like the great Jon has fallen to a 'mere commoner, huh?" I teased. Jon looked up at me with a slight scowl, then went right back to pouting. I smiled as I got up and went over to him, and began to run some fingers through his hair to ease his pain, "Hey, we can play another round as a rematch?" I whispered to him. He gave a low grunt in disapproval. A few minutes had past and Jon hasn't moved or made a sound. I started to move my hand away, figuring it would be awkward to keep on going. That thought was completely thrown out the window by Jon's hand snapping down on my wrist and pulling my into his lap. I looked up at him, confused and a bit red from the sudden closeness. "Why did you stop?" He pouted. "Keep petting me!" Jon was looking me pleadingly. Damn it, how could I resist that puppy dog face? So I granted his wish and continued the petting spree. He let out and audible sigh of content as he squeezed me closer to him. I could definitely smell the cologne he was wearing much more prominently now. It was like a wet rain forest mixed with some sort of manly odor. I couldn't place it, but it was kind of sexy. Then arose the question as to why Jon was holding me so closely, as well as being so affectionate towards me. He even said it himself that we weren't together. I swallowed hard and stuttered out. "J-Jon?" He grunted questioningly in reply. "Do you.. Enjoy my company?"

Jon's head snapped up, and he looked at me with a raised brow, "Yeah, otherwise why would I have invited you over?" I looked down and shrugged. He looked me over for a minute before questioning, "Do you have something you wanna talk about?" My throat became dry as I looked away, unable to find the right words to say. I knew exactly what was wrong and what to ask, I just didn't know how to express it to him. "__?" Jon's face began to contort with worry, "Is this about what happened yesterday? Did I make you do something you didn't want to?" Looking back at him, I noticed that he looked like he was about to cry. "No, no! It's just that.. Well, it does involve yesterday but.. You didn't force me to do anything, okay?" Jon pressed, "Then what's wrong?" His voice became more stern, obviously expecting a real answer. "It's just that.. I thought that after yesterday you and I would be.. together. And that you meant it when you said you loved me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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