Gotta keep your head up

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Sorry I haven't updated I've been given test everyday. Got pass testing Tuesday sadly :( but we are having a holocaust survivor come to our school tomorrow though! Yay! Anyway I hope y'all like this chapter. Enjoy :)


(Alisa pov)

I woke up a few hours later to someone slightly shaking me up, I mumbled something I didn't understand and tried to turn back around but was stuck in a pair of arms and my head in someone's neck.

I jumped straight up thinking it was Logan and that he finally found me. I relaxed a little though when a big pair of hands held me closer and I was met with a dazzling pair of emerald green orbs and a head mess full of curls. I've never felt safer to be honest

"Good morning ally." He mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and sat me down in my other seat to get our bags that we had on the plane. It wasn't until then that I realized we were the only ones still on the plane beside the attendant who woke us.

Following harry out of the plane and into the air port, I wasn't prepared for all the screaming fans, pushing and shoving trying their hardest to get near any one of the boys and some even tried to get to me. I could feel my heart race pick up and my breathing becoming heavy and I continued hearing shouts from every direction.

"Harry who's the girl!

"Liam why are you all back early from the tour? Does the girl have anything to do with this?"

"How come that bitch is holding Harry's hand? He's mine!"

I quickly looked down and sure enough, my fingers were slotted perfectly between his larger ones. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and kept my head down to shield my eyes from all the cameras. I really didn't want to cause trouble, apparently one fan had other plans.

I was quickly spun around, my hand not connected to harry now and was faced with a women about two years older than I was and she didn't look to happy." Bitch listen, you try anything with any of out boys and your dead! Got it." She popped her purple gum loudly and when I didn't reply, I saw her hand raise and I flinched. I still felt the sharp pain that spread across my face and I was roughly pushed Down and stepped on. I sudden loud pop rang through my ears as blinding white pain shot through my foot and I screamed in agony . It was just like my nightmare but this wasn't my father or Logan.

Next thing I know people are getting shoved back and I can hear the yelling getting louder the farther the fans are getting rejected. I'm suddenly lifted up my Paul their head manager while their on tour and their top security guy and Liam and Harry. I cried out in pain again as one of then grabbed my foot and carried me to a van somewhere in the parking lot and my breathing became more normal as the crowds roars were gradually getting smaller.

I'm laid across Louis and Niall's lap in one of the seats, bout falling in the floor when the car lurched forward without me knowing.

"What the hell was that?" Paul shouted hey I didn't know he was Irish that's cool. Oh, right back to being in pain.

At first no body said anything until Liam cleared his throat" that was um... Interesting, they have never acted that way before." Everyone nods but me, I lay with my head in Niall's lap holding my moans of pain with my hand over my mouth. They don't need to worry about me I'm sure my foots just bruised.

I heard someone grasp." Alisa does your foot hurt by any chance." A minute later I felt pain rush from my foot to my fingertips and bit on my hand but my cry was still heard. "Sorry my bad, guys I think her foots broken it's not looking to good back here." So that was Louis who touched my foot. I'll get him back some other time.

In that moment Zayn and Harry, who were siting In front of us, looked back and down at my foot that was next to the window in Louis's lap. From the looks on their faces my foot probably wasn't the best looking thing right at the moment.

Harry collected him self and leaned over between the driver and passenger seats to tell Paul something. I'm guessing to get my foot checked. Next thing I know Niall's wiping the tears away on my face that I didn't noticed were there and we were parking in the hospital parking lot.

Lifted out of the van and on one foot so I could put my arms around Niall and Louis's neck, I'm guessing because they were closer to my height and I wouldn't have to stretch, I was quickly walked into the hospital.

After waiting for about 40 minutes and watching Liam and Paul fill out papers,I'm finally allowed in the back where they examine it and take a few x rays and vanish once again.

By this time everyone is just siting around hoping that the doctor will come in any minute. When the doctor finally does come again he has the x rays saying that it's fractured, meaning I'm going to have to wear a caste.

He wraps my foot and ankle and I get to pick out the outer wrap color which I picked red, my favorite color. After he's done he hands me the rest of the stuff I'll need for it and gives Liam the sign out papers.

They all look extremely tired and I feel bad for making them stay up like this. Niall comes back with a wheelchair and a big smile on his face as he helps me in it. I love Niall, as a brother type of person. He takes care of me and I feel like I can tell him everything... Maybe not everything but almost. He can't never know my past. At least not all of it.

I'm snapped back out of my thoughts when Niall waves a hand in my face, making me flinch and his face completely crumbles when I do, Not a trace of the once happy smile on it. Looking up and giving him a small fake smile he smiles back and goes on with his question I didn't hear the first time." So you up for a tour of this place? It might take them a while with the papers?" He rolls his eyes at Liam's concentration look, the pen top in his mouth and one eye brow raised as he analyzed the paper. I laughed at that and nodded my head, the air in this room just keeps denser and denser and I need more.

Also nodding, he gets behind me and starts pushing me out the door and up and down the halls, making spaceship noises, yelling stuff like" I'm a fluffy unicorn! Hear me roar!!" I'm laughing so hard I'm clutching my stomach and the smile on his face is almost unbearable since he has those sticks that doctors put In your mouth and say agh up his nose somehow.

We go around one more corner and bout knock into the rest of the boys who looked extremely worried but die laughing once they see Niall, even Liam can't control himself.

"Come on, we can go home now." Says Liam leading the way towards the door.

Harry looks down at me smiling with his cute dimples and I have to look down to hide my blush. When I look back up though I see Louis looking at harry with a glare and I raised my eyebrows as to why would he be mad at him. Weren't they like best friends? The ones everyone thought were dating?

I just shrugged it off and looked up at the stars out the window, not having to lay in anyone's lap but with my foot in Harry's next to me. I couldn't be happier and the thought that I barley know them yet feel so comfortable around them makes it better but I still don't feel completely safe though. I don't know I just feel like someone's watching my every move, always watching.

That was the last thing I thought as I fell Into a deep sleep, wondering what's next to come.


Hey so I know this was a little bit of a longer chapter I was just not having a good day and was in a writing mood and felt bad for not updating so hope y'all liked it. Also like my other book I'll be grateful to get suggestions on what should happen and I will take them into deep consideration! Love y'all :) vote, comment, inbox me!!

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