Chapter 2

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Crystals POV

Were on a mission right now. The FBI found our pictures and we need to get them from their filing system. But there are five guards we need to take down, and guess who those boys are. Fucking Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn.

"OK since there's five of them and there's five of us..." I said but of course Jenna cut me off.

"What the fuck me and Jessica would never do that," She said in a serious way.

"Oh come on you know how the guys love to flirt with Twins," Mia said. Oh and of course she wants to do this. Its pay back for when we were hacking the FBI and they almost destroyed her precious computer.

"I'm going to regret this," Jessica said. I pulled out dresses and the girls eyes widened.


"These dress are getting up in me," Jenna complained. She and Jessica complained and complained about the dresses. It gets annoying.

"That's not the only thing today that gonna get all up in that," Violet said chuckling. Jenna and Jessica death glared her. They do look a lot alike.

We walked into the ally where the boys were. Jenna and Jessica walked up first and leaned against the wall. Our faces had those mask that so they don't see our really faces. After the girls went Violet and Mia came right after leaning against the other wall. When they did that I came out in my shorts and tank and their faces were hungry.

I snapped my fingers and the girls trailed behind. It was in a v formation. As we reached the boys they looked different. Each one staring at one of us.

We got really close to the boys. I had harry, Violet had niall, Jenna had Zayn, Jessica had Louis, and Mia had Liam. I turned my head to see the girls already kissing the boys.

"Harry, Wanna kiss," I whispered in his ear. He nodded his head. I snapped my fingers and the plan was working. I put my hands on his waist and pulled out the handcuffs. I graved both his hands and got him closer to me. I finally backed away with my hands around his waist and him smiling. 'Click, Click, Click' I heard and all the boys were hand cuffed.

"What no, how, why," Liam and Zayn said confused. Its really not that confusing.

"Oh boys don't you know who we are," I said in a baby voice. There faces were blank. Oh and there handcuffed together and one is handcuffed to a pole.

"What the hell are you five doing here," They said in frustration.

"Ouch, I thought you would be nice, Well I Guess I was wrong," Mia said.

"That wasn't a nice hello," Jessica also said. They had mad faces on and were glaring at us. We turned around swaying our butts back and forth.

"I like the view Jenna," Zayn yelled. Jenna turned around fast, and Glared. He's gonna get it.

"That's it let me at him, Let me at him." Jenna yelled. All of us girls were holding her back by her waist.

"Jenna chill a little," Mia said getting frustrated. we turned around to walk off again.

"Hey I like the view too Crystal," Harry said, I turned and started running at him when I felt a tug at my leg and I fell. The girls were holding my ankles.

"Crystal back in the box... Back in the box," Violet kept yelling. I was pulling with the tip of my hands.

"Oh I'm way to far out to go back in. And if I got back in he's coming with me." I said still trying to get to him.

"Fine with me," Harry said. Oh that's it, He's dead. But I need to be professional. I stopped and brushed my shorts off. I turned and before I could turn the corner I heard a wolf whistle. I tuned, Glared, flipped my hair, then walked away.

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