Stuck With No Hope

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The boat bobbed up an down in the river as the boatman paddled towards a long stretch of land which curved at both ends and disappeared out of sight.

The four friends inside the boat stared with glee at the greenery of the land. Tall palm trees were dotted along the shore providing sparse shelter for anyone wishing to avoid the sun's intense gaze.

Soon they reached the shore. All friends jumped out of the swaying boat, splashing water as the ran ashore.

'Mr Boatman', Ella called out with her sweet little voice, 'You'll just have to hang around while we explore'.

The other three friends laughed lightly as the trudged forward in the wet sand, heading for the jungle.

The cacophony of birds in the foliage afar died down. With enthusiasm that comes with adventure, the friends ran into the jungle.

Before long the friends spotted an anthill which they stood observing. A bird hovered not faraway then rested on the branch of a nearby tree as it cocked its head in inspection of the oblivious children, its glossy black green body shimmering in the sun light.

'What's that bird called?', sandy haired John asked, turning away from the anthill.

'That's a male anhinga', Patrick answered and that, pointing to a pearly grey bird with black eye-mask and white underparts 'is a great grey shrike'.

As if on cue, the bird let out a loud cackle, from the distance, where the foliage was thickest, came a loud cacophony, double perhaps triple of that which they children had heard before and the flapping of a great many wings. Up into the air rose an insurmountable mass of bird, bringing darkness with it.

'What's that?', Ella the silent one among them screeched pointing to the approaching darkness.

As if in control of an external force, the mesmerized trio whipped their head away from the bird to face the direction of Ella's trembling finger.

A whimper escaped Patrick's lips, 'Run, as fast as your legs can take you'.

The four friends ran, never stopping. Branches slapped their faces as roots tried to entangle their legs, punishing them for coming into this land in the first place.

The ran out of the jungle, into the heated sand of the of the beach.

'The boatman is retreating', Ella cried.

They began waving madly for him to return, but he never did. He waved back at them and shouted in the loudest voice he could summon above the cacophony,'The next boat is due in twenty four hours'.

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