Siren's Song

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Taken from a prompt on tumblr - screaming-till-im-numb; Pirate AU with modern speech

"She's causing this storm, Captain! We have to throw her overboard!" A young deckhand yelled at his superior through clashing winds and bright thunder. "You know that superstitions were made for a reason, we need her off the deck!" Another shouted as he scrabbled to keep the sails up as best as he could.

"I took her on board for a reason, I can't simply toss her off because you think she's responsible for the storm!" The captain growled at his crew, teeth bared in anger. "Superstitions aren't real, and you know it."

The said woman was hiding behind the captain's bulky frame, terrified of what they would do to her. They were looking for someone to blame, she reassured herself, they wouldn't really carry out such a terrible deed.

Her faith was misplaced.

A member of the crew began shouting orders to hold the captain down, and she could only watch in horror as the only protection she had was wrestled to the deck by the ones he considered his family.

Pulling her dagger out of its sheath at her waist, she fought the best she could against them, screaming in anguish as she stabbed as many of them as she could.

Jones, the friendly cook who always slipped her a small parcel of food when she was hungry.

Morgan, a young crew member with bright eyes and a heart of gold.

Anton, the first mate, who never failed to put a smile on her face, whether it was with a token joke or flirty line.


Despite her best efforts, her strength was sapped, and soon, the dagger slipped from her tired fingers. Without strength to fight back, she accepted her cruel fate; letting a few of the untouched crew members toss her overboard.

She felt her body hit the rough ocean waters, and attempted to struggle with the little stamina she had left. Her attempt was futile, before feeling a dark hand reaching up from the depths of the ocean, dragging her beneath the surface just as she took her last breath.

Letting the current toss her around like a rag doll, she closed her eyes, finally accepting her cruel fate.

Wake up.

Her eyes shot open, as she twirled her body around to see who addressed her. It was hard to see amongst the murky waters, and without air, she was slowly losing consciousness.

It is me, child. Wake up.

And the pain set in. Aching, torturous pain that set her body on fire. Bubbles streamed out her mouth, allowing water to flow in, choking her. She flailed her arms in panic, narrowly missing the mysterious figure nearby.

You are now my daughter. I have claimed you as my own. You are no longer human, look at yourself.

Grasping onto her face, she felt the change overtake her. As she looked down at her body, she finally understood.

Spaces between her fingers were no longer empty, but webbed, her shredded clothes became shells, and her legs, they were no longer legs.

In their place, was an iridescent tail. Shimmery, shiny silver scales covered her lower body completely, and she gasped at what she had become.

Now, my child. Look at what they have done. They have disregarded you as their own. Show them what they have created.

It is time for revenge.

As she surfaced, the stormy seas paved a way for her, one that was gentle and calm. Taking a breath, she opened her mouth to release what could only be a bitter melody of sorrow. Hurt, betrayal and despair ringed in the crew's ears, and one by one, they threw themselves into the sea.

There was one she would spare. The man who fought to protect her when no one else was on her side. Taking one last look at her captain, she gave him a sorrowful smile as the skies faded back from grey to blue.

The new siren sank beneath the waves, laughing, as she watched those who betrayed her grasp at nothing but seawater. Her father would be proud of her, and she would be welcomed home.

Well done, my dear. Your captain will convey your tale. No more harm will come to others like you, I will ensure it.

Turning to finally face the one who saved her, she giggled softly. "Thank you, father Poseidon."


Legend has it that when men throw a women overboard, blaming her for the bad turn in events, they will suffer the same fate they meant to give her.

For these women are guarded, gifted by Poseidon, a god who would deliver justice for the innocent.

Betrayal is not condoned, so beware, for every time you consider throwing a woman off a ship, Poseidon will always be watching, ready to protect his new children.

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