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Do you know what you do to me?

Everyday you come to me and say to me "your fat", "Your stupid", "no one likes you", "stop eating". I can't even stand waking up in the morning knowing you will say those things to me repeatedly. You walk by and stare at me with those eyes of yours and make up your stupid rumors that aren't even true,so you can get the attention you want.i hate when you think you can pick on anybody you please without getting caught,i hate the way you tell me things and sooner or later I'll start to believe them even more. Even at lunch I don't even eat anymore because of you. I look at the mirror and see this big fat monster looking back at me. You've taken the most important people away from me and turn them into a clone of you. Now mostly everyone believe's your lies and hates me.you don't know how many times I've been waiting to snap at you and tell you what's been bottled up inside of me,but I don't just for the sake of others and people thinking of me as a complete idiot. I just hope one day you will feel all the pain and guilt you put me through and you will feel what it's like to be swallowed by the dark screaming for help and having no one hear you.

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