Accept the Good Expect the Best Part 18

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All alone on the streets of Chicago Little Tommy notices it

was getting late and he needed to find a safe haven before it gets

any later or until his brothers and father finds him.

"Okay guys, this is our last chance, if we are going to go to England then we better board that plane."

The boys looked at one another with sad faces, still their father

could understand their reluctance to continue without their brother

when he is the only one that hasn't seen his mother.

"Dad he's just a kid. We can't just leave him."

"Calvin, I'm not living in Chicago. Either we go home and alert the authorities or we go to England and alert the authorities from there. Either way, I'm not staying in Chicago."

"But Dad, he is the real reason why we are going in the first place."

"Fine then, let's go back home."

Calvin knew then why Little Tommy was so rebellious towards

their father.

There is a painful dark secret behind Tommy's mistrust in his

son, Little Tommy, when Rose was on the Road, for that length of

time, and happen to come home pregnant, Tommy did not trust,

that Little Tommy is his, which allows him to do and say things

without thinking.

Meanwhile back in a penthouse hotel, there was a small

 time operator named Reggie Sims, who runs a prostitution

and a narcotics ring, they call him Blue.

"Brandon, Jack Spade is leaving town, he's got my money, and he'll be at the airport at three, o'clock I don't want him to make that flight, make sure he doesn't make it to the airport, I want you to take care of him before he leaves town. I know what this is, it has to do with influence and control, he thinks he is going to take charge of our territory. Brandon the rich tends to be leaders, and

I'm rich, and they are trying to gain control of my money in our territory."

"But Blue, you are turning our neighborhood into a political arena, with you and this cop."

"No, Brandon, in this game there are rules, rules which he doesn't want to play by, but he is not going to get my territory, I want him dead."

Tommy and his other two sons went on to England after they

reported Little Tommy lost in Chicago. Tommy let the police

know where they are going to be staying while in England.

When they arrived in England, Rose kept looking for little Tommy but didn't see him.

"Where is little Tommy? What have you done with my son."

"Sorry Dear, but he got lost in Chicago, we informed the authorities, however, we haven't heard anything yet."

Meanwhile it's been almost a week and still no Little Tommy,

and Little Tommy had to face the fact his father and brothers were

not coming to find him, that's when Little Tommy had to face facts

and get help, he stumbled on a few men in the alley, when he went

to get help from them, one of them shot the other one. Little

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