All hell's gonna break loose

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((AN: From now on during Bendy's POV you will be refereed to as (H/N) for her name)

You peered down at (H/N) from your spot in the viewing room, taking over a cutout yet again. It was the safest bet. Were it just Henry, well, you would have run down there in your ink form and ripped him to pieces but now you couldn't. Not with (H/N) there. Sure, it was a real riot to scare your little girlfriend, but you didn't want to traumatize her. So, you just watched. She had been listening to Alice speak from that recorder thingie and (H/N) looked so upset. You felt something twist in your stomach. You wanted to help, you did. To at least do something. But what could you do? And why did Alice upset her so much? You remembered Joey mentioning the angel the day (H/N) left, but you still had no idea what was going on between them. So all you could do was watch as Henry, despite his age, easily hoisted (H/N) into the recording room and then took a seat at the piano. Of course the old mic wouldn't work, but the music department had great acoustics. Henry played a few keys and you had to admit, he was good. The old man glanced over at (H/N) and gave a nod. She took a deep breath.

"The phoenix cried fat tears of pearl,

as the dragon snapped up his best girl,

and the billywig forgot to twirl

when his sweetheart left him cold."

You froze, and if you had blood you were sure it would have turned cold. This girl had PIPES, for one, and two, Bendy..had heard this voice before. You was sure of it. You just..couldn't remember where. You pulled yourself out of the cutout and melted slowly into a puddle of ink, traveling down to where the two humans were. Henry continued to play and didn't noticed as you slithered past, trying to get a closer look at (H/N). Her eyes were closed and she was concentrating, as if trying to remember the song. You were concentrating too, trying to remember where you had heard her voice. It was like...when a word was on the tip of your tongue but you just couldn't remember it. It was driving you looney toons! It was driving you mad and you did not like it. At all. Because that meant this voice had to be from back before you were fully conscious in the 3d world. Back before (H/N) was the errand girl. Back before Alice. Just who the hell was (H/N).

"And the unicorn done lost his horn,

and the hippogriff feels all forlorn,

'Cause their lady loves had upped and gawn,

or that's what I've been told."

Though you were a mere ink puddle at the moment, you felt yourself trembling. Something was wrong. So very wrong. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you felt something bubbling in, well, your stomach you supposed. Fear. Anger. A LOT of anger. It felt like something you had lost long ago was being dangled in front of your face and you couldn't see what it was, only able to know it was there. No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't reach---


The minute that name came to you it felt like the world was standing still. Frozen. Suddenly images filled your mind. A little demon who looked a lot like you, but with long hair, eyelashes, a skirt, and always some sort of flower in her hair. You were pretty sure they never did settle on a certain flower. Wendy.

You couldn't exactly move, stuck as a cutout in the projector room. Unless Joey brought another one for you to jump into, you just didn't have the strength to move around. It also didn't help that half the time everything seemed...fuzzy. Like you were just waking up. Sammy and Joey were sitting in the seats, listening as a girl you had never seen before was standing before them, singing awkwardly. Her voice cracked here and there, but that seemed to be due to nerves. However, even Sammy was nodding along to the song, which was a good sign. That man could be one picky guy.

"Yes, love has set the beasts astir,

The dang'rous and the meek concur,

it's ruffled feathers, fleece, and fur,

'cause love drives us wild~"

HELLS BELLS. Now this girl could sing. Sure, she could use a little fine tuning, but you were thoroughly impressed! And so was Sammy, surprisingly. "We'll need to work on her performance a bit,'ve certainly tried to give me worse. So, who's she playing?" "Wendy!" Joey replied excitedly, clapping his hands. You instantly perked up. He'd told you about Wendy. They wanted to make you a lil girlfriend or something like that. Said something about all the little ladies watching would want a girl character, and some romance. Not that you were against the idea, heh. And the dame was pretty cute too. Dame? Should you call her dame? She was gonna be yours now, right? Doll? Sweetheart? Heh. Heh, heh, heh. You'd have plenty of time to decide on that. You couldn't wait to introduce yourself!


You had to get out of there, and fast, or else you were going to KILL Henry then and there. You did not want (Y/N), Wendy, seeing you like this. Though you were amazed you were actually able to move. You had never been so ANGRY in your whole, short 3d life! They took her away from you. They took your Wendy away.

"Well, nobody is going to take her ever again."

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