If I Stay - Gayle Forman

25 4 3

rating: 0/10


btw: i read 3/4 of this book and it was so bad i had to put it down. i had like 60 pages left.

summary: Mia Hall is having a normal, well day. it's a snow-day, and school is canceled. so mia, her little brother teddy, and both her parents decide to go on a car ride. and they happen to get in a car crash. so then her parents both died. and teddy and mia are both rushed to hospital for care. she questions whether she is dead or not, blah, blah, blah. off topic, but Mia is a cello player and she has a boyfriend, adam, who is in a band. so the whole time she's there she has these flashbacks. so there was this one part where she had to go on a helicopter to another trauma hospital or whatever and she remembered that her best friend Kim flew in a helicopter once. anyways, as the story progresses, it gets sadder because u get to know more and more about her and her life and what she is losing if she dies. so she has to make a decision whether to stay and have life go on or leave and go with her parents and teddy, who like a quarter in the book.

review: I absolutely HATE this book. this is the worst book i have ever read in my life! the 2nd to last is paper towns because it was just boring. but If I Stay is SOOOO cringy, okay. there's this intimate scene where Adam tells Mia to "play me like a cello." oh, God, it's so cringey. he takes off his shirt. and she literally plays him like a cello. it's so cringey and stupid. it just...AGH. i had high expectations coming into this book. and it all just went downhill. and when it reaches the climax where she finds out that she has a choice, it all just got even more boring. i didn't find this book sad at all. i know a lot of people hated this book. but my best friend MADDDDDDDIEE Mrs_Tobias_Waters suggested this book at the beginning of this school yr and she said it was her fav. (it's not anymore) book. IT'S HORRIBBLEE!!! (btw my fav book is The Fault In Our Stars) also, this book is boring and a stupid idea of a book. DONT READ IF I STAY UNLESS YOU WANT TO WASTE TWO WEEKS OF YOUR LIFE!! or more since it takes longer to read boring books. This book is cringey, a horrible idea, stupid, plain out dumb, and a waste of time. WHY DOES IT EXISTTT??? i want to take it and set it on fire, letting it get run over by a truck full of good books. no offense maddie :) there generally is nothing good about this book at all. the characters are just not... i dont know, and the plot of the whole story is dumb. "A girl dies and the whole story is a bunch of memories and she is not in her body" that literally the whole story. it's sooo slow. nothing happens. AT ALL. nothing intense happens, okay. I read this back in sept. but if i had recently read it, i could've named a bunch more horrible things about this book.


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