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"My parents' house made up one realm. This realm was familiar to me in almost every way -- mother and father, love and strictness, model behavior, and school."

he wanted that sweet smile to appear on it's face again, even if he knew things would turn disturbing in the end. he wanted the darkness to whisper in his ear, no matter what it said. he wanted to escape, he knew he was the prey and it was the snake.

his personality changed drastically. he used to be a cheerful, extroverted person. now, he was a paranoid introvert. he saw the darkness approaching and he would cower, yelling at it to create a larger distance between them. no matter how much he ran and hid, the darkness was in constant pursuit.

when he could message his family and friends, he asked for them to save him. he wanted to be pure, innocent, free from the beast that followed him. they laughed at him, calling him a liar. perhaps he was lying; not to others, but to himself. whatever it was, he was in a hell and he wanted salvation. his pain was impossible to numb.

he wanted to believe he was the same him as before, but the lies, the darkness, it swallowed him up. he had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

he was caught in a lie.

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