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i wake up in the hospital, realizing that i have a broken neck and broken legs.

how did I still survive?

i think, no, no, no this isn't possible.

i'm supposed to be dead. why am i still alive?

i saw with my peripheral vision some flowers on my bedside.

a rather familiar person enters the hospital room.

oh no, it's him.

"what the fuck do you want from me! you never loved me so get out of my room you bastard!" i shouted at you, my voice cracking.

you started crying and even knelt down at the foot of my bed saying a lot of sorry's.

i shook my head, smiling as tears began to fill up my eyes.

"actions speak louder than words, zhang yixing. it's time to let you go."

words° zhang yixingWhere stories live. Discover now