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Sitting silently in a one side of the corner, yeah that's me. I'm a kind of girl who doesn't wan't to jam with girls in our class. Except of my bestfriends, yes you heard it right "BESTFRIENDS" because i have many bestfriends.
This is part of my daily routine that I used to do. 
During free time sitting at the corner listening music, playing cellphone ,kain.. Repeating again and again and again..

But who would though my world will change.  My routines would change and the girl who's always sitting in the corner had boost her confidence up and ready to show the world who she realy is and what she can do..

And Yes Meille Kardashian gonna rule her world someday .. Someday ...

And her precious heart? will be Unleashed SOMEDAY

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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