♡part 1♡

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It was a Sunny afternoon when I decided to go out and take a stroll,because its boring to just stay at the house and do nothing,I went to the park as always when I get bored,because that is the only place that make me feel comfortable and free,the touch of the wind make me close my eyes and breath like savoring the most wonderful desert served,Yes the wind smells like a desert,but suddenly a cat went in my feet "Omo!!"I jumped out of shock when a Yellowish hair dude came

"Oh,I'm sorry about snow,she's kind of hyper today"he said while picking up the cat putting it in warm embrace while I just nod to him"I'm Park Jimin and you are?"he said putting hes hands infront of me

"I'm Min Ji-hyun"we both shake our hands

"Where are you from?Are you waiting for someone?"he asked randomly making me grin a little because of the cuteness he provide in every word

"I'm 5blocks away from here,I'm not actually waiting for someone"I said while I look at the green grass and the people around"I was just bored and find nothing to do,so I decided to just take a stroll and come here"I said giving him a smile

"Can I sit beside?"he asked as I switch a side a little to give him some space"Thank you"he said seatting to the space I just provided

A silence was filled at the atmosphere since he seatted beside me,I couldn't move knor breath a little,"am I ok?do I need to see a doctor?"questions starts flooding in my head and.....

"Are you ok?" He asked me as he tilt hes face to look at me with curios look"You've been quiet since I sitted beside,should I just go and..."

"No-no-no-no"I protested when he started to stand up and grab hes arms and stop him"Sorry I was just....Ahm....I mean.....this is the first time a man sitted beside me"my words was being scrambled not knowing what to say,I scratched my nape looking at him which is smiling at my utterness

"Ahaha,are you serious?"he said while smiling  beside me"Did you bring your phone?"he asked

"Ahm,why?"I replied curiously

"I'll give you my number,if its ok"he said smiling which made hes eyes to disappear

"Sure"I give him my phone as he types hes number

"Here,I put Chim-chim as my name"he said giving back my phone"Can i have yours?"He asked again

"Ahaha,give me your phone"he give me hes phone as I type my number in it"here,I put Hyunnie as my name"I said

"Well,its almost dark"he said looking at the sky

"You say so"I said smirking at him

"I can walk you home?"he offered as he stands while holding snow(hes cat)

"No,don't worry I'll be fine"I said as I waved my goodbye and started walking..

Now I am 2meters away from him,As I was almost on my way home I can feel someone is following me so i look back,there is no one,I continue to walk when someone grab my shoulders*bogs*

Yes I punched it and....

"TAEHYUNG?!" I was shocked when I saw who i just punched and now on the ground"What the fuck are you doing?"I just swear to him*haha*

Taehyung he is my Childhood friend we've been together for 17 years our friendship was very I dont know,CRAZY??

"Ji-hyunnie that hurt"he whined as I help him to stand up from falling down

"I'm sorry,I just didn't know that it was you who is following me"I said to him

"Hmp"he snobs

"Did you just do that?snobbing at your best friend?"I said raising my voice

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