Chapter 1

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Sir?... Sir? We've arrived to our destination please wake up...

As I hear a flight attendant wake me up, I opened my eyes, slowly, then looked to my right. And from my seat I can  see planes parked on their respective aprons with petron trucks sitting beside them, busy airport technicians checking landing gears, and luggage attendants loading tons baggage inside cargo bays. On my left were empty seats vacated by passengers who were there just hours ago. Waiting patiently to reach this place—their home, their working place, or vacation choice. I even noticed some people traveling alone, like me. Well traveling alone wasn't that bad, except the fact that I fell asleep half of my flight—now I missed seeing clouds.

"I guess I really am already here." I stood with a smile on my face—imitating the stewardess's smile.
"Okay, I'll just take my bag up there."
"Let me help you with that sir." The stewardess hurried to grab my bag to help.
"It's a pleasure sir."

The attendant showed me the way to the door, escorted me till the treshold. Walking past other flight attendants smiling forcefully just to show some professional hospitality which somehow looks so annoying to me, I mean "Who wouldn't?" I thought to myself.

"Okay this isn't my home, I'm a foreigner here where no one knows me, no one I know is here, let’s start a nice life here" I told myself then walked to the baggage belt took my other bags and then walked straight to the arrival area. The place was packed. Families waiting on every side, exchanging hugs, kisses and tears, happy to see one of them finally be back home. How sweet, i thought.
As I walk through a horde of strangers, I've felt so heavy. I felt jealous, jealous of these people who have families waiting for them, missing them. But I guess I can't really help it.

"Ed! Mr. Edison Marzan! Here! Look to your right!"

I was shocked I thought no one would know me here but there was one! So I calmed myself then searched where this unfamiliar voice came from.
The voice was of a girl, gentle but noticeable. Loud enough to catch my attention.
After a couple of seconds I found a girl struggling to break free from a crowd. Shouting 'excuse me' here and there then running to my direction to be hindered by another person aimlessly walking towards god knows where.

"It's me, Tanya, Tanya Degrechauff, I'm from Japan's foreign scholars program, we already talked over the phone when I confirmed your application." She said with a very exhausted tone. Exhausted from all those running maybe.
"Oh, pardon me for not remembering, I was dozing off a little there. Still kinda dizzy and sleepy from my flight." I replied with a joking tone.
"It’s okay." Still catching her breath. "Let me  have my breath for a while sorry."
I nodded.
Finally having recovered her breath she spoke again. "I'll be guiding your stay here don't worry."
"Thank you for your hospitality, I'll return the favor by behaving well." I nodded to show respect.
"Let's head to your apartment then" She smiled, "bet you're tired as hell from the flight."
"Oh, I slept most of the flight so I'm okay. Though I'm excited to see my place." I replied with a cheerful tone. Like a kid offered a a dollar to clean the table.

As I followed her, I was inspecting the place where I am now, people with a lighter skin tone than mine, a place with lower temperature, "Technology seem to be so progressive here." I thought to myself, this place is different from where I came, totally different.

"I really am in a foreign land." I uttered
"Yes, in the land of the rising sun, Japan, where you start your new adventure. She smiled to me.

"How beautiful."
"This place really is beautiful, it's my home after all."

I wasn't talking about Japan, I was talking about this goddess walking in front of me, showcasing something that she thought was the most beautiful thing she's ever had—her home— but here I am thinking she was the most beautiful being I see right now. Those lips that looked like they we're begging for someone to kiss them, those eyes that sparkles so brightly, the way she walks freely like she’s not wearing a suit, those long and shiny hair that bounces every time she walks, moreover her voice, who wouldn't fall for those?
Who am I joking? Ofcourse not me hahahaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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