Secert Silence Name Meanings

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Meaning of name and why I choose them.

Maxie: I choose this name because I like a game called Borderlands and there a girl call Moxxie, so I change the name and it turned out to be Maxie

Logan: A wonderful little boy that my mum baby sits three times a week. He cracks me up and is so cute. This is where I got the name Logan.

Ally: Remind me of this girl in primary school name Lilly, that’s were ally origin from.

Jenny: There this girl name Jenny in primary school that always get the boys and she was really pretty she was a bitch but once you get to know her she was nice. I got the name and kind of her personality, but I don’t think she was bi.

Neo: I got an inspiration from this guy name Dylan From high school. I was madly in love with him for nearly 2 years, until he broke my heart.

Ed: I came about Ed in high school, where he was a hot tech student teacher. The entire girl drools over him and always wanted to help him clean up. I always had a fantasy that a teacher would quit his job to be with me because he fell in love. I knew that would never happen. But I do always dream it would happen.

Lizzie: Reminded a bit about me. The nerdy type but still like to party, scared to commit to boys and always tries to make her parents proud.

Dale/Lieutenant: Came from two things. Half was from this series named Supernatural a character name Castiel/ Misha Collins who always wear a longlight brown trench coat. And from a book where this character was a really nice cop most of the time but you do see that bad cop sometimes. I fell in love with that character more than the main character. I was hoping that I could make the readers fall for Dale. Element it his last name and I was spending ages trying to think of a last name. The periodic table was next to me and Element was on it. That how I got his last name.

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