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1) Gerard: "I actually hate them... you throw one, I hate you."
*Fan throws it on stage*
Gerard: "Yeah, I hate you, because I hate glowsticks."
*picks up a bag of candy that was thrown on stage*
Gerard: "This... this is acceptable."

2) Frank: "I found out today that I can't say the word choreograph"
Gerard: "Yeah! We had a hard time on the train with it."
Interviewer: "But you just said it!"
Gerard: "Almost..."
Frank: "Well, I practiced for TV."
Interviewer: "Everybody clap for Frankie, he said choreograph very well."

3) Gerard: "Everybody's like 'Yeah, it's you guys against you know just Jay-Z and Linkin Park' (Rip to Chester, your memory will forever live on ♡♡♡) And then we beat Linkin Park and Jay-Z and we were like 'Oh wow, alright, well, y'know, it's good we got four, that's cool, we should be really happy with those four nominations. And then they were like 'Alright now you're up against the killers' and we were like 'Oh...'"
Frank: "I told my mom that and she was like, 'but I really like the killers...'"

4) "I remember when we were making the censored version [of Vampire Money] 'cause you gotta do that these days, we had to come up with an alternative for '3-2-1 we came to fuck'. So then we put '3-2-1 we came to suck,' and we were like 'woah this is way dirtier,' so we kept that in" ~Frank Iero

5) Interviewer: "How do you feel about turning thirty this year?"
Gerard: "I'm actually excited about it, I'll tell you why. I always see getting older as like learning. Thirty's not old... Thirty's like when you're twenty."
Frank: "Yeah, for trees.
Gerard: ...for trees."

6) Gerard: "I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new gay... it's popular. You know what I mean?"
Frank: "Popsicle is the new black."
Gerard: "What did I say? Oh yeah. Screaming is the new gay, everybody's doing it."
Frank: "I wish it were Popsicle."
Gerard: "Popsicles?"
Frank: "Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone would have one."
Mikey: "I like Popsicles..."

7) [About the Ghost of You video]
Mikey: "I had to pretend I was dying for 45 minutes."
Ray: "And I had to try to save him, I'm so bummed..."
Mikey: "He tried to save me, he was failing me and stuff."
Ray: "I was the most hated person in the band!"
Frank: "When he failed, people were just screaming..."
Mikey: "Yeah, our friend cried remember?"
Gerard: "We screened the video in our bus and a friend of ours, he was a man, he was just weeping! And he was really really angry with Ray for not being able to save Mikey."
Frank: "He was like 'Come on, Ray!!'"
Ray: "I'll never be able to live with that..."
Mikey: "Yeah... so watch it."
Ray: "Watch me fail."

8) Interviewer: "So how's the tour going for you, Mikey?"
Mikey: "Pretty good, how 'bout you?"
Interviewer: "... I didn't go on tour..."

9) "We all used to laugh at Gerard because he had these headphones that blocked out all sound. He called them his 'shut the fuck ups.'" ~Frank Iero

10) Interviewer: "You have 24 hours left to live, what do you do?"
Mikey: "Eat Fruity Pebbles 'til I puke!"

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