|5 : Silent Warning|

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I just wanted to thank you all, my dear readers. I appreciate every single one of you, yes you, whether you are a silent reader or one that makes yourself known, know that you are a great support ❤

~ o l i w i a


All three of them stood in front of a pair of massive doors made of steel, guarding the secrets of Mrs Potter with a lock one could never open without the right key. Anna could only speculate what possible mysteries the elderly woman buried underground from the praying eyes of outsiders.

"Before we go in," Mrs Patter's eyes trailed causiouslly towards Anna and Nate, lingering on the girl a little bit longer as if in deep thought "You must promise that what you see behind those doors is going to stay between the three of us. Of course, my husband knows, so does Ronan as this was his own idea, but besides them, no one else. No one. This cannot get out or we will all face some serious  consequences. We all know-" Ruby took a deep breath, exhaling her distress before continuing, hands on her hips, "I just want you to keep in mind that if a word of this gets out and falls into the wrong hands-" her voice leaked with concern and worry, highlightning the seriousness of the situation.

"You know us, Ruby." broke in Anna, her voice reassuring.

"I know, child. I know you well and I do not doubt your secrecy, but with the situation at hand-"

It then dawned on Anna what Ruby was insinuating.

"I would never- How could you-" Anna was suddenly at loss of words. She could not even fathom the thought of ever betraying those closest to her, especially not someone as dear to her as this woman. But she understood where Ruby was coming from; mates were mates, and there was nothing that one could hide from them, especially if this something was a potential threat for their life.

Before Anna had the chance to reply, a loud bang startled all three of them into silence. Not a second later footsteps neared them with evident urgency. 

"It's my husband" reassured Ruby fixing her attention on the noise. At her words both Anna and Nate visibly relaxed their stances, however Ruby's expression turned to that of worry and concern. She began to stride towards the stairs where they came from minutes ago, her shadow chasing after her as the oil lamp illuminated the cold, grey walls playing with darkness. Anna and Nate followed close behind. They didn't get far before the evidently troubled face of Henry Patter came to view. 

With every word he spoke, Anna's face paled more and more and she had to hold onto Nataniel for comfort.

"We must hurry, we have a guest or guests coming over, in fact, they are coming to the shop as we speak just to greet you. We came upon them accidently as they were setting up a comp in the woods. Warewolves, love. Royal warewolves, I'm sure. They had flags of a royal crest folded over one of the horses. This cannot be good. They smelt me and Sofhie before we could leave unnoticed so in order to erase any susspicion I invided them to our village that they claimed to be unawere of. I do not particularly believe this but what could I do, it was not a matter for discussion. Now, it is only a matter of time before they come knocking at our doors." Henry was usually a very calm perosn who rearly showed a sign of distress, now however, he was besides himself with apprehension. 

Ruby was quick to act, her mind working clearly as always in difficult situations. She hastily called Sofhie from upstairs sensing her presence near. The yound girl, about Anna's age ran down the stairs in haste. 

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