hate friends

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"Hey dude, I m sorry I yelled at you." Rachel sadly

"Well, I am not. " I said to Rachel. I am glad that Rachel and I aren't friends anymore. She was a bitch in the first place. She always told me to shush and to be quiet.

"Ummm  Jacob Rachel told me something that I hope is well, "  Alexander said. he paused

"Rachel told me that you love me. Is that how you know your gay?" Alexander asked

" I-I-I yes I do love you and I was a fool to keep it inside me. Please don't be angry." I said sadly

"Why would I be angry without you I wouldn't be bisexual. " Alexander said

"Wait so you love me?" I asked Alexander. He grabbed my hand

" To the moon and back. " Alexander said to me. So just saying he's the one go from zero to a hundred real fast. Alexander and I just stood there in the hall staring at each other. I heard a door slam Alexander and I turned our heads. Rachel's back just skimmed the door. she's going to cry.

" Alexander I know you want to talk but I have to check on her! " I told Alexander

" Ok, see you tomorrow-" Alexander said

I left to early to hear the rest. But I think I heard "see you tomorrow babe." So if we were to date in secret what would be our ship name please comment your Ideas.I walked into the boys' bathroom looking under each stall I grabbed the second one next to a person sniffling. When me and Rachel were friends we drilled holes in the wall so we could talk.

"Pssst. Rachel!" I said kind of whispering.

"Shush up!" Rachel snapped

" I am here for you. " I told her

" NO" Rachel banged the wall. "you're here for ALEXANDER. " She said in a mocking voice

"You know what your the bitch in this situation you told him my secret and- thank you, " I said

"What? " Rachel said

" Yeah, Alexander told me that he loves me 'to the moon and back.'" I said quickly it went silent. I left the boys bathroom. Alexander was standing there. 

"So is she ok? " Alexander asked 

"Yeah oh and by the way did you know that Rachel likes you too? " I said

" Yeah I love her back that's what makes me bisexual. " Alexander responded. I stopped when he started to speak again.

"But I love you more. " Alexander said in my ear.He grabbed my hand and we went to math.

I feel amazing now but not the best 

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