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Here's Cage a teenager who is in love with this girl name Dana Jones. But she is mean to him. But they fall in love. Cage is going to tell the story now.
        Hi, my name is Cage, How I got my name from a superhero named Luke cage his skin is like metal. So I'm a freshman at East Bridge High School and I'm a geek like I play so many games with my friends on steam. At school, I'm in the math team so I'm a nerd. I'm in a group called Asian students alliance yes I'm Asian. I play so many different kinds of sports like soccer, football, and golf cause I'm a pro but the thing I can't get out of my mind is this girl I like in my class and her name is Dana And I'm afraid to tell her that I like her.
        The next morning, Good morning I have to go to a meeting today at 7:30 and I'm fucking tired in the mornings. and after the meetings, I go to breakfast to eat with my friends and it is so cool. but this girl wanted to kick me in the ribs and I think she cracked them so I had to leave the school to check it and see if it is broken and it was. So we sued her ass when I got to class I saw her looking at me. So I made it look like that I didn't like her so I stick out my tongue at her than she did it back. So we are in the school year and I did the same thing but I didn't stick out my tongue this time I just looked away she had a hard time in school she been sick.
  6 months later, we got into an argument so we met at a field and then she pushed me to the ground so I got mad and smacked her I felt bad we went on a field trip I sat in the front and she sat in back i was afraid to tell her that I was sorry for smacking her in the face.
        12 months later, So when I got to class but the thing is that is different is that She wasn't there like she was here yesterday now she not. And I am kind of scared cause she wasn't day after that or the day after that or the day after that or the day after that. 7 days later she came back with a Bandana and I got really sad but I gave her a necklace. When we were playing soccer she passed out on the field so we when to the doctor's and see what was going on the doctor said that she has cancer I had tears in my eyes cause I liked her and the doctor said she has a few days to live like 20 1/2 more days till she dies.
    20 days later she was in the hospital I was there with her and she gave me the necklace I gave her and she gave it to me and I gave her a kiss and said I LOVE YOU and left that was my kiss before she dies......

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