Day 4

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The next day, she snuck out of her house. Opened the window and went out. It was the only way out of her house. She went to school.

She had no other option, and it was an only escape. Go there and deal with it.

She entered and got looks, stares from everybody. Nobody could believe that she was back in school, everybody expected her to stay at home. But no, she was here. Why people thought.

She went to first lesson, only for everybody to swarm her; ask her questions, bother her, do everything to annoy her without realising. She stormed out of that lesson, never to go back to school.

She went home, and cried. Cried and cried, over and over. She tried to distract herself, her cat came to comfort her, she watched Netflix but none of it worked. She just wanted him; only him.

It's getting so hard to live life now, without you. I just want you back. I need you back. I want you to hug me so hard I can't breathe.. please.

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