The Beginning

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A while ago, I read the Autobots, Assemble! Fanfic that the author Minikoontzy made, and ever since then, I wanted to make an Autobot/Avenger Crossover! (So thank you Koontzy for giving me inspiration.) ( This story sort of involves resurrected Cybertronians, Ultimate Spider-Man universe (takes place three years after Spidey becomes Ultimate), and facing down fears that I think Cybertronians would build up if they didn't know what happened to their team.

I don't own Marvel Universe, Ultimate Spider-Man, or any Autobots or Decepticons. I only own my OC's. (Or any changes to the Bots or Cons)

A seventeen year old girl sat on the roof of a small warehouse in the middle of New York. She wore a white shirt with a grey pull-over, white jeans, and grey combat boots. A pair of blue sunglasses rested over her eyes, and a white scarf draped over her back. The girl frowned as she heard J. Jonah Jameson keep on barking out his propaganda about Spider-Man, which still hadn't changed since the three years he had saved all of the superheroes from Dr. Octopus. Makes you wonder if he ever will change, she thought to herself.

Speaking of the hero-in-question, Spider-Man dropped down beside her, but not startling her in the least. "Boo," he said, almost jokingly.

"Nice try," she said, grinning as his white eyes drooped in mock sadness, "I heard you walking up behind me."

"You heard me?" he asked her, " 'Cause that's dead impossible."

"I'm sort of an impossible girl," the girl replied. Spider-Man looked at her as if to ask how, when he suddenly looked down. Looking down with him, she saw a group of police cars chasing a red sports car with what appeared to be Black Cat in it. "Duty calls," he said, "nice meetin' ya!" Then he swung off the building after Black Cat.

She chuckled. He reminded her so much of... No! Don't think of that. She breathed in and out as her thoughts raced around in her head. Her new processor-brain, she reminded herself-was so limited and small. But even though it was small, it still had all of the memories from her past life.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded. It was faint, but she knew it was coming from one of the jewelry stores about a block from where she was. She had enhanced hearing, although it was pretty painful sometimes, like when she was next to a bell. She knew what Agent Venom felt about loud noises, and could relate, unlike most people.

She stood up and concentrated on her suit. She had been training with it for a little while, and she was certain that she could use her powers without any hitches. Instantly, a bright light surrounded her body. When it vanished, she now wore pure white armor with black and gold highlights. Two metallic wings with glowing, gold pinton feathers spread out behind her. A blue eye visor and a white face visor now covered her face. She quickly took off and headed towards the jewelry store.

When she got there, she had to give a sigh of aggravation. It was the Trapster-again. How many times had she dealt with this guy? He used glue as a weapon, for crying out loud. She was able to defeat this guy in a little bit, though it was nothing like Captain America's record.

She dropped down to the ground and summoned her weapon-a white, black and gold staff that she summoned from the energy that she could now manipulate. "Hey, Gluestick!" she called out. The Trapster turned, laughing as he caught sight of her. "So, the metal chicken returns!" he said jokingly, aiming his glue guns at her.

"I think of myself as a falcon, actually," she replied, summoning two energy shields to counteract the two globs of glue that were sent her way. Sweeping a band of energy at his feet, she summoned several energy ropes to bind the man, but he easily dodged. "C'mon, tin head! Spider-Man can defeat me faster than you!"

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