Chapter 1

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Hi if your reading this I want to say thank you and I hope you like it. Please comment and tell me what need to be fix if it a typo or something or tell me your thoughts about it. I don't know when or how long until i release chapter 2 but i will do my best to get it out.

I don't not own assassination classroom

November 29, winter time

Nagisa Pov.

"I wonder how many years it been sense I left Tokyo, I been so busy studying that i haven't had the time to call karma or mom to tell them i coming back today". Nagisa Get off of the airplane and goes to grab his bag from the luggage area to his surprise he see karma. So he decide to sneak up on him. " Hey Karma how are you doing"

karma Pov.

When Karma heard someone talking to him like they knew him and that person also yelled into his ear, he got angry and chooses to see who it was before kicking their ass. "Who do you thing your talking to......?" when he finally turn around to see who the asshole was he saw someone as tall as him with blue hair that he hasn't seen in a very long time. " NAGISA it that you? Why didn't you tell me, you were coming back today I would have planned a party for you."

Nagisa Pov.

Nags saw karma smiling with devil horns and knew it was a good thing he didn't tell karma because, who knew what might have happened. "Sorry i didn't tell you, I was to busy doing final exams for college. I didn't even call my mom and tell her." Nagisa was happy to see karma hasn't forgotten him and as well he was glad he hadn't change much.

Karma pov.

"Nagisa two question first Where do you plan on staying tonight, and HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET SO TALL?" karma was a little mad because he could make anymore short joke.

Nagisa pov.

"I don't have anywhere to say tonight, I was planning to stay at a hotel ,and i don't know how i got this tall it just happen." Nagisa said with and awkward laugh and the same time rubbing the back of his head. "how are you and okuda, have you guys started dating yet."

karma Pov.

"Me and okuda have been dating sense two week ago, and do you want to stay at my apartment?" karma want to get some juicy information for nagisa about how the last 6 years been for him and if he got a girlfriend in the mean time.

Nagisa Pov.

Nagisa knew karma want to know about what he been doing for the last 6 years in America, but nagisa didn't mind because he hadn't seen karma in a long time and he could asked about his life as well. "Yeah I would and we can talk about how the last 6 years has been like for the both of us. how about we get our bags, and who is picking you up by the way."

Karma Pov.
"oh yeah we should get our bags, and I have my own car here." Karma and nagisa went to go get their bag and went to karma car. They spend the next hour having small talk and driving to karma apartment. When karma enter his apartment he sees okuda sleeping on the couch and he just smiled and forgetting nagisa was watching him until he heard a small chuckle.

Nagisa Pov.
"I can't wait until tell our friends about how sweet you become when it comes to okuda." Somehow seeing karma blushing and embarrassed made teasing him so much more worth it.

Karma POV.
"If you tell anyone I'm going to kill you, and let's talk about you and kayano. Have you guys talk at all in the past 6 years?" With a smirk he looked at Nagisa who was now looking down with a sad face.

Out of the blue after 6 years (Nagikae)Where stories live. Discover now