Chapter 1

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*Alarm clock blaring* I burst awake, yet another sleepless night. I looked at the numbers flashing on my alarm clock. 5:45, the time I wake up everyday. I spent most of the night contemplating whether I should wear a bold fashion choice with bold makeup (cat eye, red lipstick). It ended up as wasted time because as always I looked terrible in the clothes and makeup I had picked out. I ended up wearing the same thing I wear almost everyday, random sweatpants, cute little boots, and a band t-shirt that no one even listens to anymore. As I wait for my bus every morning some weird shit goes through my head; if aliens eat McDonald's or if cats can secretly read our minds. And it usually ends in tiny little arguments being planned in my head as if these sort of subjects ever popped up. They never did. I'm 17 and currently studying to be a psychiatrist. I go to regular school classes in the day and I take online college courses at night, once I finish this year I will be able to go to a real college for psychology. My parents are too poor to buy me a car, and I don't earn enough money to buy me one either. My first block is science, a short, chubby dude who is probably gay and looks like he is secretly hooking up with boys on my class. I sit right behind this really cute guy and never pay attention in class. I blame it on Isaehc (the really cute guy) but I'm really just playing matchmaker for all my teachers. My second hour is Journey to Career, this really pretty, tall lady with wavy blonde hair is that teacher. That class is filled with snobby people who think they are better than everyone else. *falls and drops all her books* I turn around to see Shalisa and all of her other petty friends laughing and pointing. I go through this everyday and people just don't seem to care. I turn around to pick up all of my stuff and find my phone that I've had for 2 years face down on the concrete lined floors. I flip it over to see the screen shattered and completely broken. Not even useable anymore. No friends, no phone, no reason to still be at school, I run into the bathroom. *back slides down bathroom wall* I started bawling my eyes out until a random girl pops up. "Hey, you ok? This happens a lot to me, this your first time?" She seemed actually concerned, unlike all of the other insensitive assholes at this school. She reaches for my hand to help me up, and oddly I trust her. We start walking to the huge wooden front doors of the school and somehow I didn't question why. "You sure we won't get in trouble? Because I never got in huge tro-"........ "Just trust me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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