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Drowning, a word overused and undermined. How can a few letters send humans scrambling and trembling, hearts almost exploding and tightening to the point of breathlessness?
Drowning, how many times it has been used to put a word on a feeling you fearfully want to explain. That sinking, hopeless feeling; slowly swallowing you, consuming your every thought and making you feel caged.
Drowning, that feeling you get when you want to extend a hand but fear is gripping your whole being. Fear of rejection, judgement, pity and denial. Fear that slowly and painfully adds to that weight, dragging you much further to the abyss of darkness. Fear, a heavy anvil coiling around your heart, constricting that small sliver of light-a light that symbolizes air, freedom and peace, sweet light peace.
Then slowly, ever so slowly you try, so hard you still try to resurface. But you've been  down there so long, been fighting too long that weariness is starting to slip its gnarled and cold hands around your heart. Barely breathing, barely hanging to small doses of happiness or whatever elation you feel, darkness seems to hold on stronger.
And slowly ever so slowly you descend further. Aimlessly flailing your hands for help, but your actions are mistakenly understood as signs of peace and content. Try as you might to hold on to someone but there's no one strong enough to hold your hand for long, for humans my darling, they always let go in the end.
Now my little mermaid, decide which way to go. Are your tiny fins strong enough to overcome the currents or you're going to stop flipping them and just give in to the tide and go under?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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