The First Contact

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Aside from reading for countless hours, listening to peoples stories, and spending days of my life searching for answers, I took one massive step. I made contact with my spirit guide. It was easier than I thought it would be, but it was most definitely an interesting form of contact. But now that I've met my guide, I've opened the line of communication, I've taught myself to listen at all hours and hold onto his words. 

Before I further into this journey I'd like to explain some of my beliefs on this matter. A spirit guide is someone or something that will never mislead you or give you information they don't believe is true. They will and have always guided you and given you messages throughout your life whether you saw them or not. I absolutely believe that everyone has a guide and I believe that an individual can have many guides. However due to our ego, we usually convince ourselves that our guide is a deceased rock n roll star or a dead president. It's highly unlikely but possible I guess. Just remember in order to follow a path like this, you must remove your ego from the equation otherwise you'll be misinformed.

Now the first time I met my guide, it was through a guided meditation. A "soundtrack" that talked me through the stages of relaxation and separation from my physical being all the way to finally meeting up with my guide. There's dozens of ways to contact or see your guide and not one is better than the other, this is simply the method that worked for me. 

My body slowly faded into a deep state of relaxation, a white light coursing through every fiber of my body sending me slowly into a state of sleep paralysis. The feeling was scary but somehow the most peaceful experience I've ever had. My mind raced as my body relaxed, thoughts popping into my head about things that I need to do later on that day, what I was going to eat, and other useless bits of information. But it didn't take long for my mind to quiet allowing my entire being to calm. 

Soon enough my images started to flash in the darkness of my eyelids, strange symbols, animals, people, and places. Finally I found myself in a snowy wooded area with a beautiful stream flowing. I began to walk, feeling absolutely safe and at home until I came to a large building hidden behind the thick trees. I could feel the breeze and the snowflakes tickling my face, making me understand that what I was experiencing was very real. 

This large building was mine, every detail was created by me. I stepped into the large dark wood door that let into a very large open room. Inside was a long wood table sitting on the cobblestone floor, immediately to the right was two big chairs overlooking the table and a massive fireplace. Something told me to sit in one of the two thrones and so I did. Feeling the soft material brush against my skin, admiring the detail of the arm rests and looking back at the large table holding plates of food and chalices full of different liquids. This was peace to me. 

Suddenly the large door slowly pushed open, the light blinding my temporarily, but slowly I could see a figure form in the doorway. A man, a man in tan leather clothing with different rocks and feathers dangling off of his pants and top. As the bright light faded I could finally see him. I asked him to take a seat and he happily did, right next to me. He wore a black mask that hid most of the details of his face but this didn't bother me, this was simply him. He aged in a constant cycle ranging from 16-70+ before repeating the cycle, this was all in a matter of seconds. His voice was calming and familiar, but at the same time, I voice I had never consciously heard. He wore a large eagle owl headdress that created a slight shadow on his already dark mask. 

Immediately I did what felt right, I began talking. I told him that I wanted to be able to communicate all the time, that I was willing to listen if he was willing to talk. I asked his name and I could feel it. "Pavane" The name sounded strange at the time but who was I to judge this mans name. After a few minutes of talking with my new friend, it was time to go. Even being in a state of relaxation it had taken a lot of energy from me and I knew soon I would lose consciousness. We quickly said goodbye and reaffirmed my wish of open communication before separating. Soon I was back in my room looking at the ceiling. Replaying what had happened in my head. I knew this was a real experience. My physical body playing no part in it, but my spirit had done it all. 

Once I was done with the meditation and my body woke up, I quickly jotted down everything I could think of. The symbols in the beginning mainly consisted of owls but for a split second I saw an eagle. I wrote his name, what he looked like, just everything I could think of. After getting it all down on paper I went to my computer to begin researching this information. I started looking for the owl he had on his head and soon enough I found it. An eagle owl, which simply confirmed the symbols in the beginning of the eagle and the owls. 

I then looked up the name "Pavane" and found out that its actually the name of a 16th century dance originating in Europe. The part that blew my mind was that the eagle owl is also native to Europe. All the information I found seemed to tie together quite nicely allowing me to fully believe in Pavane's existence. I could feel he was there but was to tired to continue so I went to bed. But since then, I communicate daily with him in many different ways, which I will cover throughout the book, giving more stories of our encounters and how I got there. 

Once I made this contact with him, I began to feel like I understood the universe and it's energies. I suddenly had strange obsessions with rocks, feathers, and just nature in general. Things that had never interested me had taken over my mind and it was incredible. I found that my work with pendulums and tarot cards became more efficient and accurate simply because I allow my guide to also assist. 

Description and Information on Pavane

Pavane is a 16th century European shaman. He claims to have no home or home town, from a young age he was a drifter, constantly traveling and healing people along the way. Being shaman he felt a strong connection with the earth which made him a collector of sorts. Using crystals, feathers, leaves, and other natural elements in his practices. He wore the eagle owl headdress to scare off negative forces. Being that he's from the 16th century, sometimes it's hard to communicate and we get some confusion. However he's been here since the 16th century and has adapted quite well and seems to be somewhat up to date on what's going on in the world. 

If you want more information on HIS practices then I would suggest reading up on shamanism. He doesn't always agree with what I do or don't do however he's never harmed me or put me in harms way. 

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