Epilogue: Recovering hearts

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{Location: New Ninjago City Central hospital}(Lloyd's POV)

Am I in space again? I flutter open my eyes as mid-morning light trickles in. Or I think it's mid-morning, my vision is kinda blurry. I feel something poking in my left forearm. It is a tiny IV that reach over to a rack of other various drugs. I try to take a closer look at my surrounding, there is a small window that looks out over the city but it has it's blinds down, the walls have small animals and animal prints on it. On the further end, there are chairs and a small loveseat next to it. Jay, Kai, and Morro are passed out on the chairs as I rub my eyes. I miss somehow and knock my right hand against the wall a little too hard.

All three of them jump and their reactions are priceless.

Kai straightens and bonks heads with Jay. "I UP!"

Morro falls out of the chair as Jay smacks Kai by accident. "Not asleep."

"HA! HA!" I crack up as I watch them, then I move my left leg and slight pain shoots up my nervous system.

"Morning," Jay yawns then looks at his watch, "Or should I say afternoon." He then holds up a camera as the red light blinks on.

Morro's hair is a fuzzy halo around his head, the sight makes me want to snicker, it's probably the drugs making me goofier than normal, "How do you feel?" Morro gets off the floor, those three must have been here a while with how their jeans and t-shirts are wrinkled.

I'm a tad on the dizzy side as I some what see doubles and triples of my brothers, "A little floaty. How long was I asleep?"

"Close to two days." Kai cracks a smile as he slowly holds up a mirror. "They didn't manage to fix you entirely."

I feel worry cover my face as Kai inches a hand mirror to me. Kai back slaps Morro as Jay giggles with some anticipation.

Morro's eyes roll, " Yeah, they had to completely rearrange your face." His tone isn't convincing as I slowly hold the mirror up to my face. Only to see it with small bruises and bandaids, other then that, my face was how it normally looked.

I smile as I throw the mirror back at Kai. "You guys are the worst." Only Kai would prank me after a fight like that.

Jay cracks up but manages to hold the camera steady, "I got it." Jay snickers, " All on video."

Morro points to Kai who is crying from all the laughter. "They made me."

"At least tell me that they threatened to prank you if you didn't." I shake my head as Kai calmed down.

"We didn't have to try that hard." Jay snickers but moves to the foot of my bed for better shots.

I look around, I don't see anyone else from my family, "Where's Rosie?" I blink a few times trying to get the drug-induced sleepiness out of my eyes. "And everyone else for that matter."

"Skylor, Cole and Seliel are escorting the last of the Phouka back to Trally." Morro has an unfocused look in his eye, "Sensei, Zane, Pixal and Misako are explaining what happened."

Kai bites his lips, "And um...your dad."

Jay stops recording, "As it turns out, He was held here by Jezzie magic."

Morro brushes his hair a bit, "And once we froze her solid, he had to go back to being departed."

"BUT, Jezzie did remove his curse so he's in the Departed realm."

Morro then holds up a small magazine with my family on the cover with the words, 'The Final Battle, details inside', in large black letters. "At least everyone knows to give credit it to where it is due."

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