River Phoenix

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requested by ohmyhaylee

You and River loved nature. You were both actors and members of PETA. You two had another gig to do another commercial for PETA. You both walked in there and instantly ran to the animals that were waiting to be in the commercial also.

*time skip cause i'm impatient ya know*

"If you care about animals, we've got some good news for you."

"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals can help you find easy ways to help out."

"PETA, that is can help- if i read it, it'll just look like I'm reading!" River says while you laugh.

"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals can show you- wait you're not filming this right?" You laugh again.

Finally, the commercial came out as you both planned.

"Hello, I'm River Phoenix."

"And I'm Haylee (y/l/n)"

"And if you care about animals, here's some good news."

"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals can show you easy ways to help out. It's up to us to take care of all our friends."

*skip again*

You and River decided to take a walk that night. You always walked with River when it's been a busy day. You'll normally sit on a park bench and talk about nonsense.

Today you didn't really have anything to talk about. So you just sat there in comforting silence.


"Hmm?" Haylee was still focused on the rock that she was looking at. She did that sometimes, just looked at random things for a long time and was entertained by it.

"I want to thank you."

Haylee looked away from the rock. "For what?"

River took a deep breath. "For everything. For standing by me through everything. We've never let our popularity get the better of us. We're still the same. If you weren't here, I would've been a different person. An asshole probably. But you were here and I wouldn't be here without you. I probably would've taken drugs and died or something."

Haylee thought of a world without River. "River, you would've been the same, down-to-earth, kindhearted person that everybody loves even if I wasn't here. And I know you have the brain to never do that to yourself. You're so talented and amazing. I'll never leave your side." River smiled, which Haylee returned.

October 31st, 1993, River Phoenix and Haylee (y/l/n) went to The Viper Room.  John Frusciante gave River a cup of drugs that almost killed him. Almost. Haylee saved him. She had done medical school since her mother was a doctor and knew how to help people that were having seizures. Haylee saved River's life and River couldn't thank her enough for it.

"I'll never leave your side."

rest in paradise river. i'm thinking about you. <3


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