Chapter 2

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It's about 11 months since I got the call asking if I wanted to join MAGCon. I haven't heard anything since July but the day is creeping up.

"Shawn, hunny, do you need anything?" my mom asked me as I packed the last of my things. "Yes, actaully, can you bring me my toothbrush?" She mouthed sure and left to go grab it. I was going to Dallas with my mom and my flight left at 7 in the morning. My mom soon returned with my toothbrush and I thanked her and layed in bed. I had never met any of the other boys; I was slightly nervous but the excitment was sort of overwhelming.


"Flight 50 to Dallas, Texas is now boarding." I heard through all the commotion at the airport. I enjoyed airplanes for the most part, the view really helped me to relax when I was stressed out. I learned that over the years. I listened to Ed Sheeran for most of the flight and the rest was spent gazing out the window.

When we got off the plane, I was sweating. Texas weather is nothing like how it was back home. I pulled off my hoodie to reveal my t-shirt and we began our quest to find the hotel.

When we finally found it, I had to completely move my neck to get the full view, it was so large. Our room was on the 54th floor, I immediatly put my guitar down when we entered the room, due to the fact that it became very heavy. Not even long after we got settled in, there was a knock at the door.

"You must be Shawn! My name is Bart. I'm in charge of the MAGCon and all of your MAGCon needs." He introduced himself with a smile. I made my way to the washroom to clean up a bit while he talked with my mother.

"So Shawn, since the big day is tomorrow, I organized for you and the others to go out and have some fun. I rented an arcade for you guys to eat some pizza, get to know each other and just enjoy yourselves." By the end of what he had said, I was shaking my head yes and already followed him out the door. I swiftly turned and kissed my mom on the cheek and told her I loved her before leaving again.

When we arrived to the medium sized building, there were only 4 other boys there. Bart leaned over, "The other 4 should be here soon." He then, left.

"My name is Jack and this is Jack." A boy with brown hair said to me. I laughed "Easy enough to remember."


The rest of the night consited of us getting to know each other and playing games. You never really understand how fast you can get to know someone.

"Hey, Shawn, where are you from?" A boy named Matt asked me. I finished chewing my pizza and answered.

"Pickering," They all sort of gave me a look, as if I was an alien.
"Ontario Canada?" I continued. They then broke out into laughter. I was highly confused. "That sucks man, we're all from America." Jack Johnson said. "Well, I go to my grandma's in Virginia often." I implied.

"I live in Virginia!" Matt excitedly shouted. Eventually we all decied to walk back to the hotel, not our brightest idea, might I add. There were roughly 50 girls mobbing our hotel when we arrived. Shakily, I got out my phone and called Bart, within seconds he was outside with 3 other men. They helped us inside.

"That was crazy!" Cameron laughed as we pilled into his and Nash's shared hotel room.

By midnight we were all sleeping, scattered around the room. We were all hastily woken up by a loud banging knock at the door.

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