about me

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Okay, before I start the name I am going to use is "Sarah" I am not called Sarah and the name has no association to me. All names will be changed well in case this is every found. I'm not exactly the smartest person so if any mistakes are made i apologise. However this is basically a summary of things I want to get out but I cant where people know me. 

I am a girl that part isn't a lie and I am seventeen they are the only facts you need to know about me really, anything I write about will have happened to me or someone I know, I'm not yet sure if this is a good idea but I will soon see.

Some of the stories I will have made up if they involve a member from a band or something similar they obviously wont be real, I wish but however they aren't. 

I hope you enjoy to read the things i post on here, I don't have a theme so i cant say what this blog is about as I'm not yet aware. 

More to come soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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