Chapter 10

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A woman, wrapped in black coat, walked down a lonely, deserted street. It was a dark and late night.

A cold wind flew by hitting her like needles. The woman pulled her jacket closer to her.

The street was famous for it's notorious, nocturnal activities. Not a very safe area. Neither for a woman nor for a man. The woman knew this very well. She had no choice but to walk through that street.

She heard a shuffling sound behind her. It was very faint, but she heard it loud in the silent night. She kept on walking without looking back.

Shadows other than her own loomed around her. She observed each and everyone, without a fear without hesitation.

A trap was been laid for her to fall in. Still she kept on walking. Fearless, squared shoulders and chin held high. She heard faint whispers around her. She could feel numerous gazes observing her every move. She appeared calm and composed as if nothing was happening behind her back.

Judging by their movements, she knew the trap was set. And she was willingly walking into it. Within five seconds she will have fell completely within their trap.






"What do we have here?" a hard, manly voice boomed down the street. She turned around to see five men, armed and blocking her.

She took a step back only to trip off a stone. That made her look over her shoulder and notice another 5 men there.

Both of her exits were blocked.

Fear loomed over her face. That did not go unnoticed by the men as  huge smirks spread on their faces.

"Haven't the media done enough to make us famous for our doings?" Asked a short and bald man, with a scar across his nose long enough to end till his ears, grinning stupidly.

"Oh yes!" Said another. "We should have been awarded a noble price for all our noble doings. Don't you think?"

"Of course!" said the scarred one. "Maybe we should add one more to our list with the help of this beautiful lady here." His smirk grew darker. The woman could see saliva dripping down from other men at his words.

She whimpered as horror struck her face. She took a step back only to collide into one of the men's chest. The man caught hold of her immediately in a death grip. His one one arm went around her front squishing her breast and the other squeezed her butt hard.

It's time. She thought.

She pulled her foot up and kicked his balls. This made him loose his grip on her. She caught both of his arms and flipped him to her front. She smashed her head on his forehead. Her nails digging into his flesh. She kicked his stomach hard and he fell on the ground. Groaning and covered in blood.

The other men were shocked and were at distance from her. The groaning notice made them realise that their victim had fought back.

Cries of murder filled the air as the men charged towards her.

"STOP!" She said in a commanding, deathly voice as she pulled out her sharpest and finest dagger. Immediately the men stopped and silence filled the narrow street.
"If anyone of you even touch me, I'll do not think twice before slitting your throats." her voice was soft but cold and deadly. The men gulped not all but most.

Suddenly the scarred man started laughing hysterically. His fellow men looked at him as if he had grown two heads. The look on the woman's face was no different.

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