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Her arms were never letting go, or that's what it seemed like. The last (or what felt like the last) embrace was shared with his Mother who held him tightly. She pulled away and looked at him her hands resting on his shoulders, her chin crinkled up into a broken smile. She exhaled sharply putting her arms down and biting her cheek as Steve got onto the plane. 

Clouds. That was it, that was all he could see, and all that he could think, well he didn't think of clouds he just couldn't think anything because his head felt as though it was stuffed with cloud, as though his thoughts were clouded over. He sighed deeply trying to think ahead, he was going to America! To Virginia to be exact, to study at Uni, he really hoped he would meet some new people. He had agreed to meet up with his pen pal from Virginia so they could sort out an accomodation share. 

'Sir, would you like anything to drink?' the air hostess asked politely, interrupting Steve's thoughts. 'No, I'm ok thanks, do you have any idea how long it will be from now?' Steve replied, he looked up into the sharp green eyes of the hostess waiting for an answer, 'I think about 6 hours from now we should be there, if your tired you can sleep' She stated gesturing to the button panel in front of Steve. With that she smiled and hustled off down the aisle. 

Steve pressed his head against the small cold window, his brain was a whir and he couldn't stand being awake anymore the thoughts were nagging and annoying and soon enough, he fell asleep, his nose pressed attractively against the glass. 

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