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"Let me see if I understand this right." He begins walking around in front of me, while I sit on the edge of the same fountain in which he pushed me, dipping my fingers in the warm water. "You aren't human," he says giving me a look that clearly states that he doesn't really believe me.

"I was human. I am an Elf now," I whisper, trying not to look at him.

I can feel the rejection coming and I don't want to see it. I don't want to see his love change into something else. I took a risk. I choose to believe his words of love, letting his love plant a seed inside my heart. A seed of hope that maybe he really is the one that could and would make me love again. But for this seed to grow and prosper, sincerity was a must, so I told him the truth, hoping against hope that he would prove to be the one.

"And if you kiss me..." he begins, turning to look at me.

"You will sacrifice your humanity to be with me on equal footing. You will die and I will remain at your side until you wake up," I explain again.

"You will wait what? A hundred years, two hundred?" Nicholas asks skeptically.

"However long you need. I will be there when you'll open your eyes," I promise and Nicholas looks at me strangely, reading something in the force with which I utter the words.

"Someone hurt you," Nicholas says and I see the realization bloom on his face.

"That is beside the point. If you choose to kiss me, I will, maybe, tell you the whole story, someday."

Nicholas kneels in front of me and puts his hands on my cheeks, turning my head so I can see his face.

"I love you. Why can't you believe that? I would do anything to be with you," he tells me, but he doesn't know the whole truth.

The truth that I can't bring myself to unveil.

I look into his baby blues, giving him a smile.

"I hope you will love me just like you love me in this moment. But..."

"But what? What is stopping you from giving me what I want? I want to be with you," he says, and in this moment I see myself in him. I see the same passion and the same love.

And I finally understand why Velethuil and the others chose to not be there when the loved ones open their eyes. It is the disappointment that the love that was died along with the humanity. I didn't sacrifice only my humanity when I chose to kiss Velethuil, I sacrificed our love too.

"Your love for me will die along with you," I affirm, tears gathering at the corners of my eyes.

I suddenly get up trying to leave, but Nicholas gets up too and catches my wrist, preventing me from leaving. Of course, I am stronger than him and could have broken his hold, but his action is symbolic, freezing me.

"Give me a chance. Trust in me. Trust in our love." he whispers, his fingers tightening around my wrist.

I sigh, turning to look at Nicholas.

One last look before the chance takes him and turns him into someone new.

He has tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes are a mesmerizing deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light perform ballets throughout. His face is strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He has dark eyebrows, which slope downwards in a serious expression. His usually playful smile is drawn into a hard line across his face. His perfect lips ripe for the kissing. His strong hands, slightly rough from working, hold mine as he stares deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush. His smile etches its way back into his face. His voice is deep, with a serious tone.

"I really do love you," he speaks, his lips brushing my ear.

And then, he begins to leave kisses from my ear, down to my cheek and then the tip of my nose. Before his lips touch mine, he looks right into my eyes, as if he is looking for my blessing. So I give it. That's when his lips meet mine in a passionate, possessive kiss.

I give all of myself in this kiss, while I feel how I steel his life, his humanity with every second that we continue to kiss.

His arms that are around me slowly lose their hold and I put my arms around him, holding Nicholas close to my body, while his life is leaving his body. And still, I continue to kiss him, stealing, always stealing... Tears begin to mix with my kisses, but he doesn't feel them, he is almost to the crisp of Death and can't feel anything. I would have continued to kiss him if I didn't feel Nuovis touching my shoulder.

"It is over. Come. Let us put him in the clearing," she whispers, helping me in catching Nicholas and taking him to the same place where I woke up.


"Come, Viessa," Velethuil orders, stretching his hand in an invitation to join him. "Let him sleep. You have done your job. Now you should come with me."

I look at him and then at Nicholas that is sleeping. Almost a century has passed since I gave him my kiss. And just like I promised him, I stayed at his side all this time, waiting... always waiting for him to wake up and confirm my fears; that he doesn't feel anything for me.

"He will break your heart. He won't love you, Viessa," hisses Velethuil, getting angry at my disobedience.

"Like I broke yours?" I ask, looking at him. "You weren't here to see if I loved you or not! I won't be a coward like you were and leave him alone! I promised. So I will stay. I will be the one he sees when he first opens his eyes, and he will know he is loved and was not left alone all this time. And if he breaks my heart... well, what is broken can be mended. Maybe not soon, and not easy. And maybe I will always bear the scars that will, sometime, bleed, but I refuse to be a coward. So leave me be, Velethuil." I tell him, turning my back on my maker and kneeling at Nicholas's head.

I touch the brown hair; letting this small touch comfort me, give me the strength that I need to continue my watch.

As soon as Velethuil leaves, whispering about stubborn females and how he always seems to choose the ones that end up rebelling against anything and everything, I see Nicholas's lids moving. My breathing stops in my throat, while I watch his eyes moving beneath pale lids before opening and looking directly at me. I can't speak, I can't move. I am frozen with my fingers in his hair, looking at obsidian eyes staring back at me. But a ring of icy blue surrounds his iris. A little bit of his identity remained and shines through the changes.

"Why are you crying?" he asks his voice rough sounding from the lack of use.

I touch my cheek and feel the wet marks left behind by the little salty pearls.

"I love you," I tell him, trying to smile, but not really succeeding.

"I love you too." He says, smiling and raising his hand to touch my cheek.

I see the truth in his eyes, in his wanting to touch me and I smile, a real one this time and throw myself on top of him.

I don't know what the future holds for us, and I don't care. I know just that Nicholas has made the impossible, has left his humanity behind, but kept his love for me in his heart.


The End. Hope you guys liked it. I know I enjoyed writing it. :)

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