CH.1~ "are you okay?.."

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"I hope you rot." was the last thing i heard, before i was pushed and plunged into the darkness of the endless void i remember so many times in my past files. I watched where my enemy, my old friend- Ink, who so close yet so far away, closed the last bit of light way off, sinking me into the inky black darkness that i dreaded so much.

It wasn't long before i felt my skull make contact to the floor of the void, making my vision go foggy as i saw something red and white come towards me.Before I could even react to the moving figure, it was too late and my body went limp from the harsh pain in my skull.


I woke up with something soft wrapped around my head, it was comforting in a way and my head was still pulsing from the recent crash to floor. i opened my eyes to see my vision was still slightly fuzzy and that's when it hit me. i shot up fast and threw the soft fabric off my head but the Sudden movement caused me to feel dizzy and a sharp pain to run through my head, Making me let out a broken scream of pain. I fell down expecting to crash down to the floor once again, but something caught me, whether it was alive or not i started to crash. This happens when someone touches or attempts to touch me, ill crash and have to fucking reboot.

When i was fully rebooted the fabric was wrapped back around my head, i decided against to take it off and just opened one of my eyes, even that hurt. when i caught my captor, if you could call them that, i was almost surprised. by hearing their voice i could tell, they were another Sans like me.

"Are you okay?.."

the other me had asked that as my Vision started to clear, the other was mostly colored in white, except he had black shorts, a scar slashed across his chest and a white glitch masking his right eye. I knew what AU this was since i came across it many times as other versions as well, this was the original one. For a sans with one revealed eye their was a lot of worry Carried in it. He asked again a little louder, he was at least sensible enough to not put his hands on me,i felt the Fabric on my head which i could recognize as Afters- or papyruses scarf for that matter.

I just forced out a "", he widened his eyes a bit, a little thrown back by what i said, i would of laughed if my head didn't hurt as bad as it was. He huffed a bit "well... i was only trying to be nice.. especially since you crashed in here like that, you had quite the fall.". I only rolled my eyes and rubbed my head "yeah.. no shit sherlock."i snapped a remark at him that only made him squint at me and shake his head. "its.. nice to meet you too, i guess."

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