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So this is a project that I did for LA. My parents and friends really liked it so I thought I would post it and see what you think of it.


It was the year 3010, 200 years after the invasion. Now humanity was small in number, either working with the Resistance or slaves to the Venons, from the world Jantok in the galaxy Wolfforth a mere 1000 light years away. The Venon's population was too big for their small planet, so they set out search to find a new planet, similar to their own. They found earth.


"And that is how to take out a Venon patrol card," Ms. Juniper announced overenthusiastically, causing her long, blonde hair to bounce slightly as she turned. She strutted to her computer, her tight Resistance uniform restricting her movements. "Psst, Winter," Elvyra whispered to me. Her gray eyes glittered. She had dark brown hair that was cut in a bob and a dark tint to her peachy colored skin. Like all of the Recon trainees, she had black cotton uniform with the silver symbol of the Resistance stitched to both her sleeves and the knife symbol of the Recon section stitched on each cuff. A dark pin with her last name, Marcello, engraved on it in white was pinned to her left breast pocket.

I cocked my head, questioning her with my eyes. "I heard that the team choosing is going to be soon and that both of us are on the list," Elvyra whispered. A sharp bang caused the both of us to stiffen up. "Marcello, what is the one thing you can expect once taken prisoner and charged for heresy against the Venon?" Ms. Juniper yelled.

"Um-" Elvyra said, desperately searching her brain for an answer. "Being branded on thright cheek and sent to a labour camp with nothing to eat until you die?"

"Incorrect," Ms. Juniper hissed. "You are sent into the pit where you are to be eaten by the baby Venons after being skinned alive." She gave me cold look.

"Frost, what is the name of the beasts that are used as cattle by the Venons?" Ms. Juniper asked me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out so I closed it. Quickly, I pulled out a crumpled piece of paper out of my right breast pocket then I removed a pen from my sleeve. Once I wrote down the answer, I walked to the front of the room and handed it to Ms. Juniper. This is normal for me because everyone thinks I am mute, but the truth is I just never had to talk or have been inclined to.

"Correct," Ms. Juniper sighed, crumpling the paper then throwing it in the waste basket. Elvyra cast me a question glance, since the teacher hadn't talked about it yet. I gave her a shrug and turned my attention back to the class, which was uneventful for the rest of the morning.

As Elvyra and I walked down the hall, I noticed a group of boys that were training for the infantry surrounding a smaller boy who was holding a thin laptop and binder. He must have been going for the technology development and information branch, or the Techies for short, for he wore a blueish-gray uniform with the technology branch symbol (a black circle with a line through it) stitched to his shoulder.

"Give us the answers to the V-T-T," the tall, beefy blonde one snarled at the little boy. His green camo uniform was the flashiest of all the uniforms so I knew he was infantry, even if he looked like a blonde moose. VTT must mean the upcoming Venon Technologies Test, I thought, smiling at myself for my accomplishment.

A shadow loomed behind us and Elvyra stiffened, but I never noticed because I was still praising myself like a cat after catching a mouse.

"Jason,"he said, pulling out of my trance. "I just found some Recon pests." I gave a casual glance back, just to size up my captor. He was approximately 6 feet tall with lightly tanned skin, dark brown eyes and short brown hair that was trimmed to the standard for infantry soldiers. The blonde glanced back to look at us, so I gave him a friendly smile while Elvyra grimaced.

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