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PJ_Washington: good morning y'all.... Is everybody cool now?

Alyssejada: yeah, we cool.

Lonzo🖕😒: bro. What the fuck happened last night after I went to sleep? And where the hell is Aaliyah and Brandon?

Breelove💕: go back and read.... The fuck?

Lonzo 😐🖕 added Aaliyah🤘👑 and WeedMan to Squad Goals

Lonzo😐🖕: What the hell? Why did y'all leave the group?

WeedMan: because some folks are just mean as fuck.

Off brand ben simmons: @Aaliyah 😂😂😂

Weedman: Kyle... You're my friend and all... But imma need for yo bright ass to leave Aaliyah alone.

G.Trent💵: Kyle...what I'm gonna need for you to do is....keep my girlfriend's name out ya mouth or we're gonna have problems. Understand me?

Off Brand Ben Simmons: Okay... But She was dead ass wrong for making that shit up about that Ashley girl and you know it.

G. Trent💵: like I said...say her name one more time and I promise it's on sight, you Great Value Ben Simmons.

Benjamin: Don't insult me like that Gary.

Gelo🏀: But tell me why Kyle really does look like the Dollar General version of Ben....

Benjamin: I'm tired of the disrespect now stop it. 😂😂😂

Breanna86: That was hella childish Aaliyah.

KayKay: y'all riding Aaliyah like y'all didn't make up a rumor that Gary got another girl pregnant for entertainment like a week ago... So, what I'm gonna need for y'all to do, is quit.

Gelo added Melo, PBody and Trashley to the chat

Melo: okay....imma need for y'all to leave my homegirl alone. Like... Dead ass...

Trashley🚮: yeah because we agreed to let her do that.

LolitsKim: wait... What?

Lonzo😐🖕: 😂😂😂 Everybody was in on it. Me, Wendell, Trashley, and Melo. Y'all really thought Aaliyah was that messy?

Aaliyah🤘👑: 😂😂 and the award for best performance goes to.... LaMelo, Ashley, Denise and Lonzo.

Melo🏀: and the award for Best director is Aaliyah 😂😂

Swipa🐺: I knew something wasn't right. Aaliyah, you're never that messy....😂😂

Zo3: Of course Melo's childish ass would help set that shit up.😂😂

Melo🏀: 😆

Breelove💕: what the fuck is going on?

Melo🏀: Okay....Aaliyah had texted me and asked if she could make up a rumor about me and Ashley because she was bored and wanted reactions.

Trashley🚮: we obviously said yes then I dragged Denise into and Melo let Zo know what was about to be said.

Melo🏀: Right... So y'all need to calm yall's asses down and stop dragging my best friend.

G.Trent💵: Was that before or after you walked your ass to my dorm?

Aaliyah🤘👑: Before.

LolitsKim: All of you are childish as fuck.... That's not even funny dude.

Zo3: But why are you so pressed Kim?  Your relationship with Zo wasn't compromised. Neither was Melo and Ashley's they're good...

Melo🏀: it was funny you hatin' ass hoes. If I can laugh about it then you can too. Don't be such a sour puss Kimberlee.

Aaliyah🤘👑: on another note...  look at my mans. He's so fine😍😍😍 Heeeeeyyyyy Gary😍😍👅💦

 He's so fine😍😍😍 Heeeeeyyyyy Gary😍😍👅💦

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G.Trent💵: if your girl don't gas your ego until it blows up, is she really your girl? Heeeyyyy wifey 😍😍😚

PBody: 😍😍😍👅👅💦

Aaliyah🤘👑: Alright Young man, don't make me fuck you up.

PBody: Don't you have a relationship to ruin?

Aaliyah🤘👑: Don't you have a Dick to get removed?


Aaliyah🤘👑: Leave another heart eye emoji on my niggas pictures... He don't want you.

PBody: Girl, if I wanted ya man, I could most definitely take ya man.

Aaliyah🤘👑: Not with that big ass Adam's apple that shows every time you move your head, Lord Farquaad. 

PBody: you know Gary texts me on the low right?

Aaliyah🤘👑: if he does, it's Only to tell you to stop sending dick pics.

Jay_hands04: Gary, control ya girl 😭😂😂😂😂

Lonzo😐🖕: Liyah, I can't stand you 😂😂

G.Trent💵: I can't do shit with her.😂😂 she's a mess, but she's my mess and I love her.

Aaliyah🤘👑: I love you too baby. 😙❤

BabyLei: Wendell... Aaliyah will rock your shit over Gary.

RestingBitchFace: Yeah... Y'all remember when she almost cut my throat because I told her that Gary was trash?

Itzzz_Madisonnnn: Yes Markelle, we all remember that.

Aaliyah🤘👑: y'all better recognize. Anyway, I'm about to go to class. I'll talk to y'all after.


Wendell really thinks somebody is playing with her about her man.... 😂😂😂  anyway...

I'm so sorry if I don't put you in here enough. But I do try to get everyone in here at least once. If you want more lines just PM me and I'll see what I can do.

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