Chapter 6

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Marilyn's POV

"And that will be all. Should we go through the plan again?" I asked eyeing everyone in the room.

There were six men in dark red suits in the meeting and all of them were in their 40s. Joe and John were guarding the door while Jay was still beside me.

I should be nervous, considering the fact that I was 18. I was pretty young compared to the rest of them but it wasn't even slightly nerve wracking. I was trained well and I knew what I was getting myself into. Although I had taken a year break due to some

unforeseen circumstances,

I was still used to it.

After discussing among themselves, one of them turned to me and answered, "We got it, Miss Red. Everything will run smoothly according as planned. We will make sure of it."

Satisfied, I gave a nod. "Good. You're dismissed."

After everyone left the room, I sighed running my fingers through my jet black hair. Ironic huh? Red was my name, shouldn't my hair be red? Maybe I needed a change-

"Hey, you alright?" Jay asked disrupting my thoughts.

I turned to him and smiled softly, "Yeah just trying to adjust myself into this again."

He rubbed my back, "I'll be with you every step of the way." Something flashed in his eyes, but I couldn't quite pin point what it was. I was pretty bad at understanding people, like they say you can tell whatever emotion the person is feeling by looking at the eyes. Yeah, I sucked at that.

I continued to stare at Jay. One would say he was the definition of hot. He was a few years older than me. Pretty well built, electric blue eyes, black hair. He must have dyed it because he was naturally blonde. Hm, it suited him though. The black suit that he wore fitted everything in the right places. Not to mention that grey tie he had on added a touch of perfection. Now that I think of it, I wanted to pull his tie and-

John cleared his throat, "Should we go get Mr. Gould now, Miss Red?"

Flushed, I responded, "oh yes, bring him in now please." I straightened myself up and prepared myself to meet our new client.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Enter," I spoke loudly.

And then he entered. I noticed he still had his hood on.

"Please take a seat," I said gesturing him to the guest chair opposite from where I was sitting.

As soon as he sat down, he took off his hood and his eyes met mine. They widened briefly before he regained back his composure and asked, "You wanted to see me?"

I was in shock too, I didn't realise he would be so...young and... good looking. Well, I actually expected the latter from his built exterior. Still.

"Ma-Red. Call me Red," I continued, "Yes actually, I was interested in helping you."

He must be about the same age as I was or a year older.

"Helping me?" He asked confused.

I couldn't help but smile at his confused expression. It was cute. Stop it, Marilyn! This wasn't like me. Where were these thoughts coming from? Be professional!

I cleared my throat, "Yes. I'm not sure if you know what it is that we do here. Do you?"

He looked down in deep thought before looking back up at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Business, Mr. Gould. A type of exchange actually. We offer you an item or a price, in return for something more or less from you." I said slowly.

"Like what?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Your soul," I joked and his breath hitched. Okay, again where did that come from? I never joked around nor was I ever light hearted. Get it together Mary! I looked over at Jay who also looked slightly puzzled.

"Um I'm kidding. We just need you to provide us services in return," I said seriously this time.

"These services.." He trailed off.

"They vary and well, one wouldn't really categorise them as ethical but it is what it is. We usually do not tell you until you are willing to sign the contract. Your tasks may start immediately or a month after you have signed it. Your services aka tasks will be sent via text messages that will self destruct once you have read it for the purpose of preventing any...well, unwanted circumstanc-"

"Like the cops?" He cut me off and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What we do around here is not exactly high key, Mr. Gould." Jay asserted. I felt him tense up beside me. I placed a hand on his chest gently and in a matter of seconds, I felt him simmer down.

"But why me?"

Everyone turned to look at me, including John and Joe.

I kept my cool and stared at him, "Because I have a strong feeling you wouldn't disappoint me."

After a few moments of silence, I leaned forward and looked at him straight in the eyes and asked, "So what do you say, Elijah Anderson Gould?"

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