Update in life

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Yea, I still feel bad and sad and depressed. But the last three days have been different. I've been feeling happy more often (plus I joined Reb Ribbon Committee which I'm having a great time in, specially next week will be fun!) and I've finally been closer to some people over the last few weeks. Also, I finally got my hair cut short after freaking time and I've been into TØP more than before. It's starting just like I started with MCR, listen to one album for quite sometime and then going to another one for quite sometime, until eventually I've heard and loved all of their songs. Also, in my school we're practicing a delayed opening tomorrow in which we're going to school at 10:00 A.M and getting out of school at 2:46 P.M (like always). So, because a friend's birthday is in about two more weeks, we decided to get breakfast tomorrow before school and yea. Last thing, today after school was so freaking great! And when I say great, it's great! I went to after school for piano things and guess who I saw... yep... the one who stopped talking to me for some unknown reason (not to be rude), and this person's friend. First, I thought it was kinda awkward since I didn't expect this person to be there at all. Second, I got surprised since, again, I didn't expect this person to be there, for piano. I guess I just didn't knew about stuff well. Still, we started to play the piano and I was getting really nervous since I've never attended that, so I played Taxi Cab and the best thing happened! SOMEONE KNEW TAXI CAB!!!! I heard someone actually sing Taxi Cab while I was playing the piano!!! HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!! I was super hyped since I wanted to make new friends and maybe get someone (*coughs* *coughs*) to at least say something and it was just amazing. Even tho it was only five seconds of me playing the piano and this other person singing, it was still amazing! This person came running to me and gave me a huge hug! I was super excited and hyped and happy and I don't know what else I couldn't think of anything else more than playing Taxi Cab and for this person to sing it while I played the first verse and intro. But, because we were assigned to play certain things, I couldn't play any other songs (but I snuck one in every other time the teacher wasn't paying attention). After the "class" was done, I played Taxi Cab asap and the greatest thing happened! For the first time I actually felt success because as soon as I started to play, everyone started to gather around the piano (except two people.. of course) to hear me play and when I was done people started clapping!!! How cool and great is that!! It was just amazing. Thursdays are now fun days! Anyway, I just wanted to give a little update in my life since I haven't done anything for a project that is due in four days and I have to do so much I'm too lazy to do and yea....

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