chapter 8

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Racing to the hospital has never been so terrifying. Winter have never been so scared. All she could do was think about Rose. Poor Rose. How could she let this get so bad for her. Not just for but all her girls. Winter was feeling like a failure. She was freaking out. Scared out of her mind. She turns to James and was just siting there so nonchalant. Winter could smack the hell out of him. This wasn't about him. It was about Rose.

They pulled up to memorial hospital. Dr. Fellows approached them at the door. He wanted to let them have it. He just thought about how Rose looks. Just sad to see a child just traumatized. Fellows grew angry, but he knew that wasn't the professional way to handle it. He just calmed himself before he spoked.

"This is a problematic situation. Your daughter lays in a hospital bed in a coma. Due to the fact of someone neglectious and abuse. I have never seen a child that looks like Rose. This is an important matter. Someone needs to talk. Talk fast." Dr. Fellows said as quietly as he knew how.

Winter didn't know what to say in response to what the doctor just said. Should she tell what was going on? Winter was lost for a moment before she replied.

"What do you mean by abuse? What exactly is going on?" Winter knew, but maybe the doctor found out more things for her attention.

"See I'm going to let the detectives handle it from here. They have the answers you are looking for." Dr. Fellows walked away.

Two detectives looking people came up to Winter and James. They were  dressed in all black. With they notepads in they hands. Just soaking up everything the doctor just said.

"I'm Julie and this is my partner Tom. We are from Child Protection Services. We are going to be working on your case. If you don't mind we want to talk to you guys separately. This is just a part of protocol." Julie introduced their selves.

James and Winter agreed. They walked in separate directions. Winter is now away from James. She didn't know what Julie was going to tell her. What scared her the most was she didn't know what Tom was going to say to James. Even worse what James was going to say. She couldn't worry about it. She could only say what she knows. Winter dried up her tears. She thought save her daughters and time is now. They entered into a closed off room. Julie laid all the paperwork on the table.

"Mrs. Johnson I know this might be a hard time for you. I know your concern is with your daughter well all of them. As it will be mine if I was in this situation. Rose is in a critical condition. She could pull out of it but she just might not. Now she has been raped and by the xrays it's been for some time now. She is also has a STD. And she's pregnant. I need you to to me everything.

Winter was so angry. She could kill James sick ass. All she wants to do is just stab him a thousand times. Winter couldn't keep it in any longer. "James did this to my daughter." Winter shouted out.

Julie looked like she was shocked that Winter ratted on her husband. She just documented everything. Winter just spilled it all on the table. She never felt so relieved. She told her everything that she knew. She just prayed that Julie believed her. Most importantly she believed Rose.

Before Julie could speak there was sudden knock on the door. It was Dr. Fellows. He enter the room. "Rose is woke and she wants to talk. Just to you guys and no one else." He walks them to Rose room.

Rose looked like she just had a peaceful sleep. Her face was lightening up. Even though she had scars it didn't stop her glow. Winter was so happy to see her alive and doing better. All she needed was for Rose to tell everything to Julie.

"Hey, Rose I'm detective Julie. I'm here with your mom to help you and your sisters. I know that you scared and that's perfectly okay. Just tell me what you want me know." Julie said.

Rose cleared her throat. "My father and grandfather have been raping me. Been doing this for a while. Even made me strip in front of his coworkers once before. They threw money at me like I'm some cheap whore. He beat me when he thought I told my teacher, well my auntie, what was going on. Please help us." Rose voice was raspy, but clear.

Julie documented everything Rose said on to her notepad. Julie believed Rose. She saw the look in her eyes. That girl was relieved that she told those horrors. Julie stood up.

"Thank you Rose. I'll let you rest for now. Be expecting in the morning. Winter can I speak to you outside for a moment?" Julie walks outside the door.

"You need to get your kids and come down to the headquarters. It's not safe for you or children. We are going to release custody in your name, but you must go and pull off as much money as you can out the bank. Mrs. Johnson please follow my instructions cause it is for the safety of you guys." Julie told Winter.

"I will do exactly that. I will be there within a hour." Winter walks out the hospital.

Winter first went and withdrew all the savings out of her private account. Which she been keeping since they been married. Winter was suppose to got rid of it when they got married. Something just told her to keep it. She drove fast to the house. She made it there just in time to met the girls.

"Monica! Brooklyn! Come here now!" Winter yelled as she closed and locked the door behind her.

The girls rushed down the stairs. "What's the matter mom? Is Rose okay?" The girls asked.

"She's doing better. I need for you guys to pack as much clothes as y'all can for right now. This important. Move quickly." Winter was sweating and her was racing as she ran all over the house to get stuff before James got back.

"Why isn't dad coming? Are you leaving him or something mom? What the fuck is this?" Brooklyn screamed.

Before Winter knew it she slapped her. "Look make this your last time talking to me like that. Now get your black was upstairs and pack. Before I drag you by your hair."

Brooklyn did as her mother told her to do. Everyone is getting ready to get in the car. Before Winter leaves out the door she leaves James a note. The note reads: I'm ready for your ass. Play with me if you want to James. Then she leaves her ring on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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