Zach pt 2

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You went back to your apartment, as soon as you enter your best friend is standing there waiting for you, you already know why she's standing there, just so she can convince you to call Zach, but you didn't want to do that right away because you didn't wanna seem thirsty.

BF/N: call him

Y/N: I just got in,  I've been walking all day, and I'm very tired

BF/N: i'VE bEen WAlkiNg aLl--

Y/N: I'm serious

BF/N: I am too, you need to call him

Y/N: I want to call him, I don't need anything but sleep

BF/N: Want it's still something

Y/N: But I'm too tired

BF/N: call him before it's too late

Y/N: Too late? Okay fine after I take a shower tho

You hop in the shower for an hour, you were in there thinking and plotting what to say, if you do call him, "Hey Zach, how's it going, Nah too cheesy" one of the lines you practice, you practice about a thousand of them. When you got out the shower and put on a plain crop top and shorts. You sat on the bed and turned on the t.v, your phone was right next to you, and just kept looking at it, and you looked at for about 100 times, next thing you know, the phone is in your hand and you're dialing the number, you panicked and was about to press the home screen button, but pressed the call button instead, "sh*t" and "what the fu*k did I just do" was the only thing running through your head until you head a voice.

Zach: Hello

Y/N: *you stood up for no reason* Zach, hi this is Y/N from earlier

Zach: Oh yeah, what's up 

On the line

Jonah: Told you she'll call

Corbyn: *into phone* hiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Daniel: Tell her I said hello 

Y/N: hi Daniel *smiling and then realized you were still standing up and sat down*

Zach: Guys

Jack: Zachary, are you cheating on me 

You sat there giggling and smiling because this has to be the best time of your life, you're actually listening to them being them.

Zach: *goes to the bathroom to get privacy* I'm so sorry, you had hear that in your ear

Y/N: no, it's okay, no damage done.

Zach:  You're nice

Y/N: No, you just met me.

Zach: so you're not nice 

Y/N: depends

Zach: on?

Y/N: the time, the person, my mood, and it's you, I couldn't be mean to you

Zach: or we wouldn't be talking right now

Y/N: exactly

You and Zach talked all night and didn't stop until sunrise, most of the questions he told about himself, you already knew, so the convo was mostly like "I have two siblings named Ryan and Reese" and you replying "I Know". It seemed to you like he was doing it on purpose, but you just went along with it. You went out on your balcony to watch the sunrise, Zach went on top of the roof, and you two sat in silence to acknowledge how beautiful it was until you broke the silence.

Y/N: Zach

Zach: yea

Y/N: it's beautiful 

Zach: but not as beautiful as you 

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