Chapter 1: Looking around.

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BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP *slams hand on snooze button* "Good morning world!!!" Mike loudly says, he starts to walk to the kitchen. *pulls out bread* "Time to make some toast!" He puts the bread in the toaster. "Now time to wait* FLING!  The toast jumps out of the toaster and lands on mike's plate. "Yeah!" *Mike takes a bite* Mike walks out the door and starts to go to the pizzeria.  He walks in the doors. "Hello! Welcome!!!" Says a worker, "Oh hey! I am here for the job. Where do I sign up?" "Right here" The worker said as he pointed to a line. He signed his name. Then he went to check around. "Oh, here is the stage. God. Those robots are creepy!" He walked into the kitchen. "Oh hello!" Chica said, "Uh, Are you a duck?" Mike asked, "NO! I AM NOT A DUCK! I AM A CHICKEN!!!!!!!" Chica screamed, "Ok! OK! God!!!" Mike rushed out the door. "Wow! That was just... just.... wow." He opened some other doors and went into some rooms. Then he walked down a hallway. "Oh! That must be the office!" He rushed into the office. "Woah! This is cool!" "Well I gotta leave! I can't wait to start my job! I think they said I get paid something like 100 dollars and 25 cent or something... I will probally give some random kid the 25 cents."

YOU CAN'T (FNAF) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now