One - Curiosity

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"You're what? Curious? Because curiosity killed the cat, you know. Don't you have something better to do that doesn't require butting into a stranger's personal life?"


Sooyeon never really knew why she loved the cold.

Maybe it was because of the way the bitter winter air wrapped around any exposed skin like a blanket, or the tingling sensation that spread throughout her hands and numbed them after being left under cold water for too long. The love could've even sparked from that high she felt as a child from running around in a cold rain, unsatisfied until her clothes were dripping wet and clinging to her small frame.

However, those were only possibilities. Even though she couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, Sooyeon was sure she'd always been that way.

Even as a little kid, no matter how many times her parents tried to force her into a jacket, it never ended well as she never listened. Sooyeon thought she wouldn't have to hear lectures about such things anymore after she left home for university, but thanks to her best friend and roommate Eunjin, things weren't exactly going as planned.

"Kang Sooyeon, how many times do I have to tell you?!" Eunjin shouted, her loud voice echoing throughout their apartment. Sooyeon was on the floor, too preoccupied with tying her shoelaces to turn around and acknowledge her friend. No doubt the other watched Sooyeon in a judging manner, complete with arms folded across her chest. Eunjin didn't wait for a response before continuing, "it's cold out, genius, if you don't start wearing a jacket you're gonna end up with hypothermia. Do you want to die young?"

Sooyeon stood from her crouched position and gave her simple clothing choice of a t-shirt and rolled up jeans one last look. Once she deemed the attire suitable enough, she finally turned toward Eunjin to shrug.

"Maybe I do," she said, cocking her head to the side in a challenging manner. She then quickly exited the room before the other girl could start yelling.

It isn't even that cold, Sooyeon said to herself when she stepped out into the slightly chilly mid-October air. A little windy, sure, but only enough that it blew a few strands of hair around her face and made the fallen leaves on the sidewalk rattle around her feet.

Thankfully, the park wasn't a far walk from the apartment building, and within a few minutes Sooyeon was sitting down on one of the several benches scattered around the area. She opted for one underneath a tree this time, enjoying the feeling of being alone and secluded by the branches hanging over her head.

Sooyeon didn't know why she loved this park so much. All she knew was that it gave her an excuse to go outside when otherwise she'd stay closed off in her room, only leaving when it was time for class.

One of the many perks was that no one bothered her here. Anytime someone passed by, Sooyeon would keep her head down to signal that she didn't want to speak. Most of the time, people got the memo and decided it best not to disturb the girl. It was nice, peaceful even.

This park was her only safe haven, the only place she could get a break from Eu-

"Hey! Kang Sooyeon," the familiar voice yelled.

Sooyeon jumped at the sudden outburst and turned her head in the noise's direction, only to see Eunjin running towards her.

Her eyes immediately narrowed when she noticed the thick black jacket draped over the other girl's arm. Given how Eunjin looked appropriately bundled up for the temperature already, that jacket meant one thing and one thing only.

Actually, 'appropriately bundled up' was an understatement. Ridiculously overdressed was a more fitting description considering the fuzzy coat, scarf, and beanie combo Eunjin sported. Sooyeon would have laughed if she wasn't trying to restrain herself from snapping right off the bat at Eunjin for pulling this on her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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