The New World

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   I stared at the television in horror and shock as the news of another so-called crime flashed across the screen. It was Mrs. Jones, our neighbor who lived across the street, she was being put on the death penalty for telling people the truth about how oppressed we've become. Not too long ago our government gave everyone notice that the first, sixth, and eighth amendments were being repealed. Of course, that day and the day afterward become true chaos as large riots were taking place all over the country, all of them ending with most of the protesters being sentenced to death for defiance of the government.

"I don't know what you're thinking, Nora, but you better stop before those thoughts of yours slip out of your mouth, and then you'll be next for the death penalty.", Mother scolded. Mother's face appeared tired as always and her dark, brown hair was lazily pulled back.

I turned around while moving my long, black hair behind my shoulder," It just isn't fair how one day we have rights and the next we don't.", I complained. I felt that it was beyond unfair for the government to do this to us but I, along with the many others against this, can't do or say anything about it without fearing for our lives.

Mother sighed giving me a sympathetic look," I know it isn't fair but it's how we have to live now and we can't do anything about it." she said.

"I know but still," I whined as I turned off the television before walking to my room to get ready for bed. I had school tomorrow and what many of the kids used to call "prison" really became something similar to an actual prison, but I still had to attend anyway.

The next morning, I got ready for school just like any other day. As I was looking in the mirror, brushing my hair, at least this hasn't changed since then. After eating breakfast, I ran out to the bus stop in fear of being late.

"Hey Nora, you're almost late as usual.", James mocked.

"Yeah, but at least I haven't been brainwashed by the so-called government.", I retorted, glaring back at James.

"If a government official hears you talking like that it'll be game over for you.", James cautioned while sliding his index finger across his neck to symbolize a death sentence.

"Yea, I guess you're right, and even if I was convicted it's not like I'd get a trial either.", I sighed.

"I mean you would get a trial, but it would be in front of an extremely biased jury so-", He stopped his rambling once he noticed the glare I was giving him.

Finally, the bus arrived, but even though it's always late, there's not much we can do about it, so James and I just take our usual seat. The bus ride was silent as usual because most of the topics that we used to talk about were now considered outlawed.

After some time, the bus slowed down to a stop in front of the school. The principal stood at the building's entrance with a displeased look on his face.

"Hurry up all of you, you're all late.", the principal shouted.

"It's not like it's our fault, it's the bus driver's.", I muttered

"What was that?", the principal questioned in a stern tone.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I lied.

While the principal couldn't bring me to court, I still didn't want to have to face staying after for a detention. After that encounter, the school day continued on as normal, and of course, the lunchroom was silent during lunch.

James and I missed the bus to go home, but luckily our houses weren't too far away from school to walk. So, we started walking until I noticed one of the government's new special officers bullying a child who probably just forgot about the amendments getting repealed.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?", I shouted towards the officer.

The officer turned around and walked up to me giving the child a chance to escape. The officer then responded," I'm only doing my job miss, and I'm afraid that there's not much you can do about that.". His voice sounded cold and emotionless sending shivers down my back at the thought of anyone sounding so empty, but I had to stay strong, I couldn't back down now.

"Well I'm sorry, but I didn't know that your job consisted of bullying and harassment, something that I used to think was punishable by law.", I retorted with a scowl on my face.

"Nora, let's just go we shouldn't be getting involved.", James whispered. His face looked worried almost as if he knew what would happen next.

"I'm not going anywhere until people understand how stupid it is that our amendments were repealed. You can go by yourself." I demanded, making sure to not take my gaze off the officer.

James just nodded his head as he continued on the sidewalk, but he walked past where he was meant to turn and continued on the path to my house for some reason.

The officer and I kept arguing until I said something that made him snap. Next thing I knew I was being put on trial just like everyone else who disobeyed the government's new rules.

"Nora Anderson, you are put on trial for defying the repealment of the amendments, is this true?", the judge questioned with his cold eyes glaring down at me.

"It's true, but this isn't how it's meant to be.", I uttered while looking down, unable to face the judge or the jury filled with the biased traitors that now filled our nation and our government. I knew that this was it, I would be found guilty. Mother was right, I should have just accepted the new laws, and maybe then I wouldn't be here.

The jury decided that I was guilty and that my punishment would be just like all others who have broken this law, the death penalty. My eyes widened at the news, I tried fighting back with the fact that I'm only a minor, but that only supported my conviction of being guilty.

Before I knew it, I was being brought to the execution site. My eyes were more dulled than they were before and I felt empty. This empty feeling wasn't a sad one, it was just total emptiness.

"Do you have any last words?", I heard someone ask, but I didn't care to know who.

I just shook my head unable to speak. The next thing I remembered was the sound a rope being cut, and then everything went black.


My eyes shot open with tears that were threatening to fall. My breathing was heavy and shaky, and I held my hands clutched close to me.

"Thank goodness it was only a dream.", I sighed. Tears soon started to stream down my face as I realized that while this may have just been a dream for me, it was a cruel reality for one of my closest friends, Nora.

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